192 Two Posters for May Day, 1954 – Shamir Brothers Posters "May Day 1954 – A Common Effort to Fortify the Country and Enhance the Social Class". Poster published by The Eretz Israel General Workers' Union. * "May Day 1954 - One Hand is working while the other hand is holding a dagger". Poster published by The Eretz Israel General Workers' Union. Design: Shamir [Brothers]. 68.5X47.5 cm. $350
Begin forwarded message: From: Eric Zakim Date: April 24, 2010 7:44:26 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: PPPA/Action...all Shamir Brothers...right? danwalsh Yes. It's funny, they change their signature in the 1950s. I wonder why. On Apr 24, 2010, at 4:44 PM, Dan Walsh wrote: