Mona Abdullah via
6:49 PM (29 minutes ago)
to me
Submitted on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - 23:49
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Your name: Mona Abdullah
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Subject: Submission of "Chicago Palestine Film Festival Posters"
Category: General question or comment
Poster Upload:
Hi, Just wanted to submit our posters for inclusion into your project. Thought it would be a great addition. The Chicago Palestine Film Festival is the oldest film festival in the world dedicated to showcase films by Palestinians, about Palestine. The Chicago Palestine Film Festival (CPFF) is an independent, not-for-profit, non-sectarian project based in Chicago that exhibits and promotes films by Palestinian directors and films about Palestine. CPFF is dedicated to presenting a film festival that is open, critical, and reflective of the culture, experience and vision of the filmmakers. CPFF is a project of the Middle East Cultural and Charitable Society.
How do I go about uploading our 13 posters to your site? Right now I was only able to submit one.
Dan Walsh
7:31 PM (1 hour ago)
to media
ya rafeeqati Mona,
You made our day! We love saving/conserving Palestinian visual culture and the posters of the CPFF are most welcome here.
We already have one CPFF poster up at the PPPA:
Did you know?
I also added the jpeg you sent in:
As to your excellent question: We do have a new function called "Auto-Fill" which is designed to allow you to send multiple files. It also prompts you to provide the artists' names, dates of publication, etc. Would you like to try that? It is BRAND new and hasn't really been launched yet so it might be buggy.
Or you can send us all the files via Drop Box.
Please give us as much info about the posters as you can. PPPA is an artist-centered site so we really like to include all artists data. If your designers have web sites...please include.
So happy you thought of the PPPA.
Dan Walsh, Curator
8:07 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
You’re very welcome Dan. Thanks so much for adding us. No, I did not know you already had one from our organization. Your project actually came up in one of our meetings last night from our film team, and I was recently designated to archive our posters & films from previous years for our own archival purposes. We’re in our 12th year now, so I have all graphics from all previous years, including a better one than the one you have up from our 2nd annual festival. I can upload them all (2002 through 2013) through if u don’t mind. I do not have artist names yet, but can get that to you as soon as I find out. Thanks again for including us. Your archive is quite impressive! It’s an honor to be part of it.
Continued success!!
Mona Abdullah
Chicago Palestine Film Fest 2103
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