Gather the Scattered Jews

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: Right hand column: Shavuot, a festival of light and the joy of farmers and the holiday of the giving of the Torah, bringing the first yield (agriculture) Second column from right: We will bring the donation to the Jewish National Fund, because it upholds its promise to the nation Third column from right: (JNF) Afforests mountains, plants groves and turns deserted lands into villages Fourth column from right: The more we increase donation from the first yield, the more we will redeem our country and gather the scattered Jews Bottom: A gift from the Jewish National Fund, Jerusalem
Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message: From: Jonathan Rose Date: May 26, 2010 10:32:02 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Poster Poster # 17 Right column: Shavuot, a festival of light and the joy of farmers and the holiday of the giving of the Torah, bringing the first yield (agriculture) Right second column: We will bring the donation to the Jewish National Fund, because it upholds its promise to the nation. Left column: (JNF) Afforests mountains, plants groves and turns deserted lands into villages. Left second column: The more we increase donation from the first yield, the more we will redeem our country and gather the scattered Jews Bottom: A gift from the Jewish National Fund, Jerusalem