Gaza 51 Exhibit - Munich - 1

Admin Notes

Poster for Publish Inbox x Mohammed Hassona 9:59 AM (10 minutes ago) to me Dear Dan , I hope you are fine i attached to you photos of one of my posters which won in International Prisoners Creative Contest . 1st photo from the exhibition and the 2nd is the original poster Damon .

Your poster... Inbox x Dan Walsh 10:15 AM (23 minutes ago) to Mohammed sabah al khair! I am happy you sent this in. Some questions: 1) what are the dimensions? 2) who is the publisher? 3) can you tell me about the International Prisoners Creative Contest? Do they have a site? 4) Did you win first prize? Shoo? 5) Was this poster printed/distributed? 6) Can you tell the other artists to send in their posters as well? tadamon, Dan PS: Please always send me all this info with every poster you send, tayyib? Mohammed Hassona 10:26 AM (12 minutes ago) to me Thanks my friend * Dimensions : 100 * 70 cm * Publisher: CPDS " The Center for Political and Development Studies " - Gaza * The Contest was International contest to support prisoners in Israeli Jails , and it was in many categories (Posters, short story , Video , poetry ( * They don't have website * my poster one of the winner posters but not the first * yes it's printed poster * I will try to be in contact with the organization to take the poster and the photos , may be it will need more time Tadamon