This poster is designed by Mr Mohammad Reza Hafezi. I saw it in Saba Gallary.
Begin forwarded message: From: kombizz kashani Date: August 3, 2011 6:07:08 AM EDT To: , Subject: RE: Palestine Poster Project Hi Dan Thank you for your email. Q1-I did not understand by saying this: [I don't use Flickr because their "use agreement" allows them to promote/share/forward my private data.]?? Do you afraid that if an organization or agency found your private data in Flickr, then you loose your work Opportunities in Isreal, Western countries, so on? Is your blood lighter than the blood of Martyr Rachel Corrie ( Q2-I am little bit confused about the images as one of them is not mine, i.e.: A Symbol of Evil and Oppression Belongs by Carlos Latuff. I wonder why you put it under my name. Q3-Also what is 'Research in Progress' means under my images? Q4-Also why you are selective in choosing other poster images, and why you did not included the following posters: Q5-Also I can not understand what is the purpose of publishing these posters online WITHOUT their 'soul'. For me these posters just pictures, the links to the organizations, links to other links which are connecting to many other sources are the real soul of these posters. These souls help viewers,students,researchers finds more about the background of each poster. Therefore I would like to ask you to put the links under those images you took them from me and add to them. Your works is similar to collector of images WITHOUT capturing the backgrounds of each image. Q6-Also I like to know how long you are going to continue this project of yours? Is it going to end when you get your B.Sc./M.Sc./Ph.D.? or is it going to continue? Then what? Q7-Have you ever visited Palestine before you create such a vast collection? Please answer to the above questions (7 of them) asap, so I know your true intention of this project. Thanks Namaste' From: Subject: Re: Palestine Poster Project Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 14:02:18 -0400 To: Hello Kombizz, Thank you for writing back. Allow me to begin by suggesting that you visit the Palestine Poster Project Archives website: Click on the "About" icon at the top of the banner and you will see/read a detailed outline of the PPPA's rationale and objectives. I don't use Flickr because their "use agreement" allows them to promote/share/forward my privacy data. I have posted some of your images and you can see them here (there may be others that you shot that I have NOT given you credit for because someone else sent them to me and there was no data attached. If/when you see these at the PPPA site just drop me a note and I will fix the credit, OK?) The PPPA is, in essence, a Palestinian national art and cultural site. If you click on the "Advisory Board" icon at the top of the banner you will get an idea of who supports it. in solidarity, Dan On Aug 2, 2011, at 1:48 PM, kombizz kashani wrote: Good afternoon Dan Rochelle Davis has sent me your email address and told me that you do not like to use Flickr ? (I wonder why?) Before I agree to giving you permission to use any of my images about Palestine, can you please give me a bit more information about yourself and how you intend to use them? I would, of course, want to be credited for any that you use. I look forward to hearing from you and finding out more about the work you and Rochelle are undertaking – particularly if it is going to practically help the displaced Palestinian people return to their homeland in peace. From: No real name given Subject: Contact -- great photos Hi Kombizz, My student and I really like your photos -- we are working on a website on Palestine posters. Could you email me back with a real email address so we could correspond with you. My real work email is The poster archive is here: Thanks, Rochelle Davis and Dan Walsh Georgetown University From: No real name given Subject: Re: Contact -- great photos Happy to hear from you, Kombizz. Yes, I know you are Iranian and can tell from your photos that you care about many things, injustice central among them, and that you have a beautiful eye for beautiful and difficult subjects. I am happy to write to you here, but my student and the owner of the archive, does not have (and is unwilling to) open up a Flickr account. So he would like to correspond with you about getting permission to put some of your photos of posters related to Palestine on his website. He calls them Sightings (these are of posters in situ -- on walls, on the ground, in people's hands, etc). They are He calls people like you, who take pictures of these things, para-anthropologists. You do great documentary work. His email is and his name is Dan Walsh. He is an artist himself and used to run a poster printing company called Liberation Graphics. If you like, you can email him directly. I will pass on your email to him via this website if that is best for you. Warmest wishes, Ramadan Kareem, and Khuda hafez, Rochelle
Begin forwarded message: From: kombizz kashani Date: August 2, 2011 1:48:54 PM EDT To: Cc: Subject: Re: Palestine Poster Project Good afternoon Dan Rochelle Davis has sent me your email address and told me that you do not like to use Flickr ? (I wonder why?) Before I agree to giving you permission to use any of my images about Palestine, can you please give me a bit more information about yourself and how you intend to use them? I would, of course, want to be credited for any that you use. I look forward to hearing from you and finding out more about the work you and Rochelle are undertaking – particularly if it is going to practically help the displaced Palestinian people return to their homeland in peace. From: No real name given Subject: Contact -- great photos Hi Kombizz, My student and I really like your photos -- we are working on a website on Palestine posters. Could you email me back with a real email address so we could correspond with you. My real work email is The poster archive is here: Thanks, Rochelle Davis and Dan Walsh Georgetown University From: No real name given Subject: Re: Contact -- great photos Happy to hear from you, Kombizz. Yes, I know you are Iranian and can tell from your photos that you care about many things, injustice central among them, and that you have a beautiful eye for beautiful and difficult subjects. I am happy to write to you here, but my student and the owner of the archive, does not have (and is unwilling to) open up a Flickr account. So he would like to correspond with you about getting permission to put some of your photos of posters related to Palestine on his website. He calls them Sightings (these are of posters in situ -- on walls, on the ground, in people's hands, etc). They are He calls people like you, who take pictures of these things, para-anthropologists. You do great documentary work. His email is and his name is Dan Walsh. He is an artist himself and used to run a poster printing company called Liberation Graphics. If you like, you can email him directly. I will pass on your email to him via this website if that is best for you. Warmest wishes, Ramadan Kareem, and Khuda hafez, Rochelle