can you tell me anything about this poster?
Thu, Dec 17, 5:53 AM (21 hours ago)
to J
Was it part of a larger poster?
Did you get it in Amman? (It is an advertisement for a print shop in the Malka neighborhood of Amman)
If not where did you get it?
J Fischer
Thu, Dec 17, 9:45 AM (17 hours ago)
to me
Wow. Well I was in Amman twice: which would date it either to 1989 (semester abroad) or circa 1991 (citizen education / peace study trip).
I don't recall getting it, so there's a possibility I acquired it in Ramallah or E Jerusalem - though Jordan seems to make more sense.
Not part of a large poster, as far as I know.
If it's an ad, did I pull it down from a wall / phone pole? Did someone give it to me in Amman? Did someone bring it from Jordan to the WB? Unfortunately this one is lost in the mists of time for me.