No. 83-1404 at the MDZ site¤trecord=1&page=search&profile=objectsde&searchdesc=Archivnummer%20ist%2083-1404&searchstring=Archivnummer/,/ist/,/83-1404/,/0/,/0&sessionid=C47C2775-306E-468B-A68C-AE9350D94DEC&action=advsearch&style=single¤trecord=1
Begin forwarded message: From: Date: October 1, 2010 8:48:03 AM EDT To: Subject: AW: Macro Digital Request Dear Dan 1. your posters have arrived, many thanks!! Did you get finally the poster and the CD-Rom I have sent you??? 2. I send you attached two high res-photos of the posters you have asked for. Is this sufficient? If not, I will let make detailed photos, but as I told you before: please give me at the end, when you have checked all posters of the MfGZ, a final list with all poster numbers you wish to have detailed photos with the exact indications. I don't do the photos myself but I have to prepare them for our photograph who comes only once the week. I will prepare one package with all posters you need the images of at the end, ok? That's really much more easy for me! 3. Concerning poster number 83-1404: in the lower left hand corner is written "Cesselon-De Vecchis". In the library of Venezia you also find this poster (see the link below) and they have ascribed it to Angelo Cesselon. As art historian and often concerned with analysis of style I don't believe that it is a poster from Angelo Cesselon. The style and the interests are quite different (a "painter" of posters is not a graphic designer!). Also, the name "De Vecchis" does not make sense!! I do believe that it could be a poster of Franco de Vecchis and Tiziana Cesselon, both graphic designers working in Rom where the poster has been printed - and both engaged politically. But I'm not sure about these, it's only a supposition based of some short researches in the internet. For today, I wish you all the best! Bettina -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Dan Walsh [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. September 2010 19:20 An: Richter Bettina Betreff: Macro Digital Request¤tstateobjectsde=2/,/1/,/83-1404/,/0/,/0/,/0/,//,//,/0/,/0/,//,/0/,/0/,/0/,//,//,/0/,/0/,//,/0/,/0/,/0/,//,//,/0/,/0/,//,/0/,/0/,/0/,//,//,/0/,/0/,//,/0/,/0/,/0/,//,/ Objekte: Archivnummer ist 83-1404 Request: Small text lower left and right hand corners Note: the MDZ site carries the artists names as: Cesselon-De Vecchis This is VERY interesting to me because I want to learn if this Cesselon is the famous poster designer, Angelo Cesselon Thanks! Dan PS: if the text in the lower left and right does NOT carry the artist's name how do you know it was by Cesselon? From handwritten notes from Margadant?