315 Ma'ase HaEz – Ze'ev Raban and S. Y. Agnon – Jerusalem, 1925 26. Children's Books and Games
Ma'ase HaEz (The Goat's Tale), written for children, by S.Y. Agnon, illustrated by Ze'ev Raban. Jerusalem: "Haginah", 1925.Third booklet in the series "Sipurim Metzuyarim LeTinokot" edited by Yechiel Halperin.
Agnon's adaptation of a folk story about a goat that found a cave that enables a shortcut from Poland to Eretz Israel. Agnon wrote to his wife that the story was sold to Yechiel Halperin: "Today I sold The Goat's Tale for 15 Egyptian Lira. I really hope the story will be published before 10 Tamuz... It seems however that it will be published for Rosh HaShana, which is also for the good!" (Dear Esterline, letter dated June 3, 1925.) [12]pp, 28x20cm. Fair condition, back cover missing, front cover detached and torn. Stains. Ink stamp.