Going Up To Tel-Hai

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: Going up to Tel-HaiForty years since the defense of Tel-Hai, Adar 5680 – Adar 5720
Admin Notes

http://sidar.shenkar.ac.il/single.php?id=674&pos=gd&category=Posters%20כרזותBegin forwarded message:

From: Jonathan Rose
Date: May 16, 2010 5:04:51 PM EDT
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: poster


Most top: The General Federation of Workers in the Land of Israel, the Executive Committee
Top vertical left: Center for culture and education
Top: Going up
to Tel-Hai
Details: Culture Committee M.P.H.*

Bottom: Forty years since the defense of Tel-Hai
Adar 5680 – Adar 5720**

* Probably the acronyms of: the council of Haifa workers
** The Jewish calendar date.
Tel Hai is the modern name of a settlement in northern Israel, the site of an early battle in the Arab–Israeli conflict, and of a noted monument, tourist attraction, and a college. The battle of 1 March 1920, which gave Tel Hai its long-enduring fame, was significant far beyond the small number of fighters involved on either side - mainly due to its influence on Zionist history, both inspiring an enduring heroic myth and profoundly influencing Zionist military and political strategies over several decades. (Wikipedia).