Golda - Parody

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Golda Meir was a racist who oversaw war crimes.

She’s most famous for vitriol like:

"There was no such thing as Palestinians. It was not as if there was a Palestinian people in Palestine and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist."

Her biopic was released last week. Here’s what you should know:

The film celebrates the former Israeli prime minister as a feminist hero, proudly representing the Zionist movement and a growing Israeli state. For Palestinians and many others, Meir does indeed epitomize Zionism, but in ways this film won’t show.

To Palestinians, Meir’s legacy is one of violent ethnic cleansing. Since she took office in 1969, Meir ramped up the Israeli government’s violent displacement of Palestinians to new levels.

Golda Meir was also a major architect of establishing  illegal Israeli settlements. She facilitated the intentional poisoning and theft of Palestinian land in the 1970s by releasing  a toxic crop duster onto the Palestinian village Aqraba, pushing out the people who lived there, and replacing them with Jewish settlers.

Meir’s racism wasn't limited to Palestinians either. She openly disparaged Jews from countries like Iran, Libya, Egypt and Syria as operating at a “16th century level” and said for Jews from these countries to be accepted into Israeli society, they’d need to be “elevated.”

In the words of Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)- حركة الشباب الفلسطيني: “It is not the case that films cannot be made to address 'complicated' legacies of world leaders; in fact, we are supportive of such endeavors. But Golda is a virulently racist film intended to propagandize the Israeli project and its leaders—something cinemas have the obligation not to screen.”
