"It is most unfortunate that Sixty One, a think tank which aspires to lead the peace and human rights camp in Israel, has chosen the path of populism and de-humanization towards Palestinians. According to Sixty One, the release of Palestinian prisoners by Netanyahu shows that:
"[politically he] is being held hostage by people who care more about building a new neighborhood in the territories than about the security of Israeli citizens.
Sixty One drive home their point with great drama, adding: "In other words, you may come home in a coffin, but they [the settlers] will have Samaria".
[Context: Freezing settlement construction was an alternative goodwill gesture proposed by Kerry; Netanyahu chose the release of prisoners]
Source: Israeli Apartheid Week FB pagehttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=209583389205920&set=a.1507994117...
Grateful to the settlements
In the upcoming days, when you hear right wingers everywhere cry against the release of prisoners, it is important you'll remember: the Prime Minister had the choice to release prisoners or temporarily freeze construction in the settlements.
Netanyahu knew that the right will not ever agree to stop, even for a moment, the construction of settlements - and therefore set to release more than a hundred prisoners with blood on their hands.Direct appropriation of your work...
Dan Walsh
12:54 PM (14 hours ago)
to hafez, Diana
...this is evidence of the truly subversive nature of you work. Mabook! I salute you.
What is your reaction?
I plan to post a Curator's Note highlighting your work as the source.
PS: because it is only in Hebrew - and no one is posting a translation, Americans aren't really part of this conversation, yet.
hafez Omar
6:24 PM (9 hours ago)
to me, Diana
my dear rafeeq :)
I am really surprised how far its going and shaping the visual language about the prisoners, I am collecting a lot of art works that reproduce the original poster and for this is the first time where the Zionists reproduce it !! but I still need to know the translation, to know what to feel...
which is not hard at all, I will send it to you as soon as I get it :)