The Founding Congress of the New Zionist Organization – Vienna, 1935 - Poster lot number: 222 08. Posters, Graphics Gründungskongress der neuen zionistischen organization. Poster in honor of the Founding Congress of the New Zionist Organization. Werbe Mendel, Vienna, 1935. German. The New Zionist Organization was founded by the Revionist Zionists in 1935, when they retired from the World Zionist Organization. This followed a decision taken by the Zionist General Council forbidding independent political actions within the Zionist Organization. In the founding congress in Vienna, Ze'ev Jabotinsky was elected as president. Within the framework of the movement the Revisionists were free to act to enhance their demands, mainly to create a Jewish majority in Eretz Israel on both banks of the Jordan River. During WW II the movement lost its power and upon the ending of the war returned to the Zionist Organization. 61X92.5 cm. Good condition. Folding-marks, professionally restored tears. Linen-backed for display and conservation. Opening Price: $1200–-vienna-1935-poster