Guide For Solidarity Workers

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Solidarity and Palestine Advocacy Guide for Artists and Cultural Workers


Direct the events towards what's happening in Palestine and exploit your official platforms, especially on Instagram, for direct transmission and coverage from the ground.

Pressure/request the Ministry of Culture to support Palestinian artworks and to cease from funding Israeli projects.

Appendix your official e-mail messages with expressions of solidarity with Palestine or with the trending hashtags.

Refuse to attend any opening celebrations and cultural events organized in coordination with institutions that are silent about supporting Palestine, as a form of protest. And send a protest statement.

In case you are working in an institution outside Palestine, a strike is an effective tool, taking into account the labor laws in your countries. Within Palestine, you must comply with public strikes, and you can strike individually if you work in a silent foreign institution, as a protest against its policy.

Submitting mass resignations as a protest against the silence of the institution.

The exploitation of cultural events involving media coverage to show solidarity with Palestine. It's possible to raise signs or the Palestinian flag while wearing the keffiyeh.

Postpone the work that you are required to hand over as a form of protest, especially the one that is to be handed over to foreign institutions whose government is silent about what is happening. This is an efficient method for both employees and freelancers.

Pressure/Request the Ministry of Culture of your countries to support Palestinian cultural and artistic works, and to cease financing the Israeli projects and the normalization with occupation. (This is similar to point number 2)

Pressure/Request the Ministry of Education and Universities to modify their educational programmes and to stop falsifying history.

If you are cultural workers in administrative positions, your consideration is very important in the case of the absence of staff for the purpose of political participation, or fatigue.

Use of the term "occupied Palestine" instead of "Israel" in all relevant cultural and artistic events.

Withdrawal the property's right to artworks within art collections or with the holders of artworks that normalize with Israel.

In case you were an institution, withdraw from any projects funded or in partnership with parties that are silent about the crimes of the occupation, and ask them to share a public statement confirming their support for Palestine. Examples of the countries that are silent and oppressive and normalize working with Israel: France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America and Emirates.

Pressure local and Arab cultural institutions, artists and actors to take similar steps.

Design and publish posters and banners to use in demonstrations.

Forming local cultural and artistic solidarity committees to disseminate these steps and invite other artists to join in solidarity.

Produce and sell works of art, the proceeds of which are used to support Palestinian steadfastness.

Finally, it is up to you to pursue the initiative in ways of solidarity and genuine advocacy, depending on your work and geographical location.
