Harvard Doxxing Truck - 3

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source


Right-Wing Group Plasters Harvard Student Photos On Truck Over Palestine Letter

Meanwhile, CEOs on social media are asking for the students' names to be made public for blacklisting purposes.

By Sara Boboltz

Oct 12, 2023, 07:10 PM EDT

A right-wing activist group claimed responsibility for the box truck that has been spotted driving around Harvard University’s campus with a digital billboard ostensibly showing the students who signed a political statement now fueling outrage in conservative media.

Photos circulated online showing the black truck flashing different students’ names and photos against a glaring white background, labeling them “antisemites.” A URL on the truck, HarvardHatesJews.com, redirects to a webpage for a group calling itself Accuracy in Media.

The school said Thursday that it had stepped up security on campus in response to “hateful and reckless rhetoric, inside and outside of Harvard.”

The stunt was inspired by a missive authored by the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee, which stated that undersigned student organizations “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” after Hamas militants launched a bloody surprise attack on Israel and its civilians over the weekend.

The letter said the attack on Israel “did not occur in a vacuum” and called out the country’s history of aggression toward Palestinians, concluding that “the coming days will require a firm stand against colonial retaliation.”


















