Begin forwarded message: From: Eric Zakim Date: June 15, 2010 11:10:20 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: i created a special collection for all the posters needing Hebrew translations...brilliant, right? dw Row I, Col II This is the tag— [within the oval on top of the watermelon]: Totseret ha-arets [Product of the Land (of Israel, implied)] that marks every watermelon and melon from a Hebrew farm small letters: The Agricultural Department of the Union for Totseret Ha-arets (local produce/Product of the Land) publishing details are on bottom in very small letters, too small for my eyes. “Totseret ha-harets” was the name of a campaign beginning in the 1930s urging Jewish residents to buy products produced by Jewish farms or Jewish manufacturing concerns. Because it names a public campaign, it might be best not to translate phrase but leave it as is. If you can get me an actual copy of this poster, I'd love you forever, unconditionally! Eric Zakim Associate Professor Coordinator, Program in Modern Hebrew Language and Literature School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures University of Maryland, College Park On Jun 14, 2010, at 4:03 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:
From A Hebrew Farm
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation:
This is the label that marks every watermelon and melon from a Hebrew farm
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Circa 1935
Special Collection
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