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Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Curator's note: According to the publisher the six posters in this series were originally published in Kuwait in 1988 and then republished in Amman, Jordan in 2002
Admin Notes

[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]

Samah hijawi via
Jun 7 (1 day ago)

to me
Submitted on Friday, June 7, 2013 - 09:34
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:

Your name: Samah hijawi
Your e-mail address:
Subject: I have Information about a series of poster
Category: General question or comment
Poster Upload:
My father produced a series of posters, i noticed on so far on the website, they were produced in kuwait first in 1988 but i would have verfiy the information on the year, and then republished in amman in 2002. Here is a link to one on your website

What are the details needed so that i can get them all for the website and archive?


The results of this submission may be viewed at:

Dan Walsh
Jun 7 (1 day ago)

to Samah
ya Samah,

We LOVE to hear from people like you...who have data/info/posters so we can make the sight stronger, better and richer.

Basically, we look for all the data at a completed page:

Artist name and nationality

Date of publication

Poster title

Publisher's name and links

Artists' web site


We are also very interested in getting printed/original copies of Palestine posters. Please see our FAQ's about this.

There are other posters in this series up at the site...I will find them and send them to you.


Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA

Dan Walsh
Jun 7 (1 day ago)

to Samah

I found some other posters in the series...

Q: How many were in the original series?

7:03 AM (4 hours ago)

to me, Samah
Dear Mr Walsh,
Your site was passed to me by my daughter Samah.
- The mentioned posters were produced in Kuwait early 1988.
-The occasion was the 1st Intifada.
- Posters & stickers were targeted to Europe & USA. They were produced in French,Spanish & English.
- Creative ideas for "Saad Hijjawi" Managing Director HORIZON Advertising-Kuwait.
- Execution by different graphic designers at Horizon Advertising Agency.
Please let me know if any further information is needed.
Saad Hijjawi

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: samah hijawi
Date: 08 June 2013 11:17:17 GMT+03:00
To: saad hijjawi
Subject: Fwd: [ PPPA Contact Form Submission]

Dan Walsh
11:21 AM (41 minutes ago)

to Saadhijjawi
ya Saad,

Thanks so much for your reply.

Q: Can you send us the contact info for the specific artists, ya'ni, which artist did which poster? This is VERY important since we seek to honor all artists who produce posters in solidarity with Palestine. We are happy to write to them directly so you don't have to.

Q: Can you/anyone send us printed/original copies of the posters?

Q: Do you know how many posters were in the original series? We have six up at the PPPA site but we don't know if that is the total or if there were ten, twenty or more.

Shokran jazeelan!


Dan Walsh

11:58 AM (4 minutes ago)

to me
Dear Dan,
Thank you for your prompt reply.
- what you have is what were produced.
- unfortunately non of the artists are working for us any more, after the Iraqi invasion they left Kuwait.
- what was produced were the six u have & I only have them in stickers form but no poster size is available.
- please send me the mailing address if u need the stickers.

PS. I am still the vice chairman of the same agency & my email:

Sent from my iPhone
[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]

Samah hijawi via
5:34 AM (5 hours ago)

to me
Submitted on Friday, June 7, 2013 - 09:34
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:

Your name: Samah hijawi
Your e-mail address:
Subject: I have Information about a series of poster
Category: General question or comment
Poster Upload:
My father produced a series of posters, i noticed on so far on the website, they were produced in kuwait first in 1988 but i would have verfiy the information on the year, and then republished in amman in 2002. Here is a link to one on your website

What are the details needed so that i can get them all for the website and archive?


The results of this submission may be viewed at:

Dan Walsh
11:06 AM (0 minutes ago)

to Samah
ya Samah,

We LOVE to hear from people like you...who have data/info/posters so we can make the sight stronger, better and richer.

Basically, we look for all the data at a completed page:

Artist name and nationality

Date of publication

Poster title

Publisher's name and links

Artists' web site


We are also very interested in getting printed/original copies of Palestine posters. Please see our FAQ's about this.

There are other posters in this series up at the site...I will find them and send them to you.


Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPAFrom:
Date: February 5, 2010 11:16:49 PM EST
Subject: Fwd : From : Fouzi

A Note-Worthy Media Initiative

A live-abraod syrian volunteer (who chose to stay anonymous) have designed a collection of media and postal posters on the Palestinian Cause on his own expense ; and have furthermore participated with other volunteers in typing these posters and distributing them in many European and American cities especially at post offices where they were shown and used as stamps on letters and parcels... a wonderful initiative worthy of following to show sympathy with the horrifyig realities that palestinians face in Occupied Palestine!

For those of you who live abraod and come across these posters or stamps, kindly make sure you use them on your mailings to show support to both the initiators-volunteers and to the suffering palestinians...

Subject: بادرة إعلامية
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 09:26:19 +0200

بادرة إعلامية تستحق كل التقدير

مجموعة من الملصقات البريدية الإعلامية عن قضية فلسطين قام بتصميمها أحد المتطوعين السوريين في الخارج وعلى نفقته الخاصة - لم يرد ذكر اسمه - كما قام وبالمشاركة مع عدد آخر من المتطوعين بطباعة أعداد كبيرة من هذه الملصقات وتوزيعها في العديد من البلدان الأوروبية وأمريكا وتحديدا في مراكز البريد حيث كانت تلصق على الرسائل والطرود البريدية... تلك هي بادرة رائعة يجدر أن يحذوا بها كل مواطن عربي في إظهار التعاطف مع الحقائق المؤلمة التي عانى ومازال يعاني منها أخوتنا وأهلنا في فلسطين المحتلة