Curator's note:
This graphic in this poster is a remix of an original work by Kamal Boullata which may be viewed here
ya ustaz...meen al fanan? Enta? al rafeeq al irlandi ooxx
Posters 4 Uploading
Dan Walsh
Feb 1 (2 days ago)
to Kamal
Kamal Boullata
Feb 2 (1 day ago)
to me
Dear Dan,
I was sorry to learn about the attack on your home. I could not write you earlier because I was in bed over the last week with a terrible flu. This is my first opportunity to write.
I did not design the poster “Rise Up in Defense of the Heroic Palestinian People.” But elements of it have been taken from a line drawing theme I have created in 1970 depicting a fida ‘i’s face covered with a checkered headdress with the raised fist holding a sickle. Here, the face, arm and fist were badly copied and the raised arm was made to hold a gun. Everything else you see in the poster is not my work.
I take this opportunity to add to you that, a number of posters that appear in your project under my name contain only partly hijacked elements of my work, be it in design or line drawing. If you like, I can point these details out for you when I find the time.
Did you know about the Palestine Lives album produced in 1970 by Paredon Records for which I provided the original tapes, designed its jacket translated the songs and illustrated its booklet with line drawings ?
Apparently, it is now made available to the public with other protest and revolutionary songs through the Smithsonian: