Histories Absolved: Revolutionary Cuban Poster Art and the Muslim International

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Medina presents the exhibition Histories Absolved: Revolutionary Cuban Poster Art and the Muslim International, which explores the revolutionary graphic art work of the influential Cuban-based Organization of Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America (OSPAAAL) and their posters of solidarity with the anti-imperialist struggles taking place in the 1960’s, ‘70’s, and 80’s in Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and numerous other places in the region.

“We are all Moors!” wrote the Cuban poet Jose Marti in 1893, as he proclaimed solidarity with the Berbers of Northern Morocco who were challenging Spanish rule at the time. Marti’s call for Latino-Muslim solidarity also spoke to the past and to the future, as both Muslims and Latinos have come to be seen as enemies and threats to modernity and the West — an idea that began in the iconic year of 1492 when the Moors were expelled from Spain and Columbus set sail to begin the conquest of the Americas. Through the exhibition, as well as public dialogues, Histories Absolved explores the urgency and importance of these solidarities for today when war, xenophobia, and repression are rampant. 
