From: Subject: Re: Your Special Collection at the Palestine Poster Project Archives... Date: March 30, 2010 3:54:14 PM EDT To:
Hello Dan. Good to hear from you again, Hope everything is going well with you. That posters "tala lzattar" is NOT MINE :) and never seen it before :) Thanks for correcting the spelling of my name. Looking forward seeing you again Best of luck to you with your project and Best Regards to you Helmi Eltouni =============================== --- On Tue, 3/30/10, Dan Walsh wrote: From: Dan Walsh Subject: Your Special Collection at the Palestine Poster Project Archives... To: Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 3:35 PM ya Hilmi, Maybe you remember me? Dan Walsh...from Liberation Graphics? We met in Cairo...many years ago, min zaman. I am a student at Georgetown University now... Rochelle Davis is my professor. For my master's thesis project I created the Palestine Poster Project Archives: You have a Special Collection in it: Please look through the PPPA site and if you see any other posters that you created let me know and I will add them to your Special Collection. I also have a number of different versions (Italian, French...) of "Hiya" that I will add soon. I have added your web site address to all your poster pages. If you have any other links you would like me to add just send them to me, tayyib? Q: Did you create this poster? Q: Do you have any posters that you would like to add to your Special Collection? I would be happy to do this. Just send me jpegs of 1MB and I will upload them immediately, akeed. Q: Do you know Jamal Al Afghani? If yes, do you have an email address for him? I hope some day we can meet again and catch up. Your work remains very has stood the test of time. I look forward to seeing you. al rafeeq, Dan PS: Zeina Masri gave me your email address for which I am very grateful.