Hiya (Italian - Lei)

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Curator's note: There are other language versions of this poster, including:

French version

English version

Arabic version


Italian translation:


She is as proud as the mountain

She is as deep as the ocean

She is as vigilant as the moon

She is as warm as the sun

She is as generous as the clouds

She is as fertile as the earth

She loves all that grows

And I am a tender plant

She is my mother

She is my homeland...


Admin Notes

From: heltouni@yahoo.com Subject: Re: Your Special Collection at the Palestine Poster Project Archives... Date: March 30, 2010 3:54:14 PM EDT To: liberation@igc.org

Hello Dan. Good to hear from you again, Hope everything is going well with you. That posters "tala lzattar" is NOT MINE :) and never seen it before :) Thanks for correcting the spelling of my name. Looking forward seeing you again Best of luck to you with your project and Best Regards to you Helmi Eltouni =============================== --- On Tue, 3/30/10, Dan Walsh wrote: From: Dan Walsh Subject: Your Special Collection at the Palestine Poster Project Archives... To: heltouni@yahoo.com Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 3:35 PM ya Hilmi, Maybe you remember me? Dan Walsh...from Liberation Graphics? We met in Cairo...many years ago, min zaman. I am a student at Georgetown University now... Rochelle Davis is my professor. For my master's thesis project I created the Palestine Poster Project Archives: www.palestineposterproject.org You have a Special Collection in it: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/category/special-collection/hilmi-... Please look through the PPPA site and if you see any other posters that you created let me know and I will add them to your Special Collection. I also have a number of different versions (Italian, French...) of "Hiya" that I will add soon. I have added your web site address to all your poster pages. If you have any other links you would like me to add just send them to me, tayyib? Q: Did you create this poster? http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/the-revolutionaries-and-the... Q: Do you have any posters that you would like to add to your Special Collection? I would be happy to do this. Just send me jpegs of 1MB and I will upload them immediately, akeed. Q: Do you know Jamal Al Afghani? If yes, do you have an email address for him? I hope some day we can meet again and catch up. Your work remains very popular...it has stood the test of time. I look forward to seeing you. al rafeeq, Dan PS: Zeina Masri gave me your email address for which I am very grateful.