Holding Onto the Right of Return

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Sighting: Burj Al Barajneh refugee camp - Lebanon  
Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message: From: Rochelle Davis Date: September 11, 2011 1:47:30 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: did i ever send you this? I think it is one of the Maryam Zohny LEAP project youth photos. Baker Shehady is the photographer. Not sure whta the other one is. And the translation is "...holding on to the right of return" On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Dan Walsh wrote: nope but thanks http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/seizing-the-right-of-return how would you list the credits...there are two. d Begin forwarded message: From: Rochelle Davis Date: September 11, 2011 10:23:26 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: did i ever send you this? -- Rochelle Davis Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Georgetown University Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, http://ccas.georgetown.edu/ https://digitalcommons.georgetown.edu/blogs/rochelledavis/ -- Rochelle Davis Assistant Professor, Culture and Society Center for Contemporary Arab Studies Georgetown University http://ccas.georgetown.edu