This House Is Ours

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (obscure text at top) United Arab Republic (UAR) (gold text above dome) We are returning (white text) This house is ours, Jerusalem is ours and eternal peace to Jerusalem (This is a line from a song by Fairuz)
Admin Notes

q 4 u






Dan Walsh 

Fri, Mar 15, 5:00 PM (1 day ago)


to Bashar






ya Bashar, rafeeqy - 


Is this your Dad's work? I think yes. Did he do other stamps?




Bashar Shammout

5:53 PM (5 hours ago)


to me






Hi Dan,
Hope all is well.

No, this is not my dad's, ya rafeeqy. This seems to be created by an artist from Syria or Egypt during the era of the "United Arab Republic" 1971. Looks like a post stamp!
