Begin forwarded message: From: Eric Zakim Date: July 22, 2010 5:15:26 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: ZPG...your BFF Aharon Farkash says that the translation of this text says... Definitely Shamir. A very well known poster. And that's definitely their signature (I think you and I had a conversation a while back about the changes in their signature over the years). Well, the Hebrew is a little more interesting than his boring translation, but I'm not sure I can do any better. It reads (perhaps a bit too literally): How beautiful/great — that/because free people are we. Up above, you know, it says 1 May 1953. This is a May Day poster for the Histadrut. On Jul 22, 2010, at 12:38 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: How Great To Be A Free People Yes? He also says it is by Shamir Brothers but the signature looks different...maybe an early Shamir signature? danwalsh
How Beautiful It Is
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation:
How beautiful it is that we are a free people
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