Q's from the Palestine Poster Project Archives... Inbox x Dan Walsh 9:47 AM (47 minutes ago) http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/understanding-israel-in-60-...... Sarah Glidden 10:10 AM (24 minutes ago) to me Hi Dan, This looks like a really interesting project and I'm happy to have my book's cover as part of it. I never really considered the cover image as a poster and am not sure if you are looking for posters that promoted the book, or if you include book covers as images in the same category as posters...so I'm just sending you a higher res image of the book cover. I am not sure if my publisher ever made promotional posters (maybe some of the schools or other places I had events at made event posters). The image you have attached is the back cover of the Spanish edition of the book, and the image on your site is an image of the cover of the French edition. I see that you have the covers to all of the original Fantagraphics issues of Joe Sacco's Palestine, which is great because many of us dont see those images anymore now that the book has been collected. One unsolicited suggestion which you are of course free to ignore: I wonder if "comics" should be separated from "childrens literature, board games and juvenilia in your category headings? I know that I don't consider my work for children and neither does Joe probably. Its normal that people still put comics in the same category as children's lit because comics were originally for kids. Anyway, here's a better version of the cover image. Let me know if you need anything else and thanks for letting me know about this. Best, Sarah cover.jpg 2702K View Download Sarah Glidden 10:11 AM (22 minutes ago) to me Oh and I dont know if you want to include the international translations of this? You have a languages category. If you do, here are the translations: International Translations: Rizzoli Lizard, Italy Norma Editorial, Spain Steinkis, France Oog&Blik, Netherlands Panini, Germany Dan Walsh 10:34 AM (0 minutes ago) to Sarah LOL! Hi Sarah, You are VERY fast...I now have Vertigo as the publisher, an English language cover and a better jpeg up. There were a million pieces to building this page...I kept getting drawn into your blogs/interviews/posts/Amazon stuff ... SO interesting. I read some of the intro pages on Amazon and then gave up cause the type was so small but a copy is on the way so I have something to look forward to. Unfortunately, I can't create a separate "Comics" Special Collection although as an artist myself I can empathize with your request. Since the PPPA's primary demographic is American students and since THEY group comics in that heading ... it would mean making another Special Collection (lots of work) and setting myself up for gripes about why I did that from teachers, et. al. If any of your publishers have printed up promotional posters we would love to have them if/whenever you find them. mad respect, Dan
How To Understand Israel In 60 Days Or Less
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