Here are some of the items and data that make for a complete and useful page at the PPPA site. If you are submitting a poster please try to fill in as much of this information as possible. You may submit more than one poster without filling in this form multiple times. For multiple submissions, click here: Thanks! PLEASE put the complete URL of the poster you are writing about HERE if it is already featured at the PPPA. This will ensure that we are all talking about the same poster. THANKS! Format – We only upload JPEGs to the PPPA site. If you want your poster to be downloadable and reprinted by the public please submit a high resolution PDF IN ADDITION to the JPEG. Title of the poster Human Rights Name of the artist/designer Mazin Chabayta Nationality of artist/designer USA Artists’ email address Artists’ web address Name of Publisher Mazin Chabayta Publisher’s web site Year of publication 2009 Dimensions of poster (inches or cm) A0 (118.9 cm X 84.1 cm) Country where was the poster printed? Dubai, United Arab Emirates Was your poster part of a contest or exhibition? Allude by Intifadart What languages are used/visible in the poster? Arabic Translation of all text “Should a human remain staring at the dirt, or should he turn his sight towards the sun so he won’t see his shadow among thorns and skulls. “ Jibran Khalil Jibran Artists’ statement/Interpretation of imagery (please tell us what the icons, images, colors, etc. mean to you) Considered the worst and longest humanitarian crisis happening today, the situation of the Palestinians must be resolved and improved because the sustainability of Palestine is depending on it. The layout of the text portrays imagery from the quote representing light and shadow. Was this poster printed-on-paper or is it a “digital only” poster? Print-on-paper Have you done any other Palestine posters? If yes, we invite you to submit them as well regardless of age, theme, etc. Yes If it was printed the PPPA would like to have three copies for the permanent Archives. If you would like to send us copies here is the address we will pay postage from locations served by FEDEX. Please indicate here if you would to submit copies. (Mention Georgetown University Special Collection?) Posters submitted with complete data are usually uploaded within 30 days. Thanks! Dan Walsh, Curator
Begin forwarded message: From: "J.R. Osborn" Date: September 10, 2010 11:30:12 AM EDT To: Subject: Intifadart Posters Hello David, It was nice to meet you last week at the Irvine Contemporary Gallery. I'm the scholar who examines the history of Arabic script (calligraphy/typography/digital design) who recently joined the Communication, Culture, and Technology Program at Georgetown. During our conversation, I mentioned a graphic design student who made a series of posters on Palestine for his senior show. His names is Mazin Chabayta and he took a few courses with me when I taught in Dubai. Some of his posters can be viewed on his website: The first three images in the slide show belong to his Intifadart collection. I contacted Mazin over the weekend, and he is a big fan of the Liberation Graphics' archive. If you wish to reach him, his email address is Currently, he is in the U.S. and can also be reached at (804) 551 7385, but he returns to the Middle East early next week. All the best, Wayne Osborn
ya Mazin, Good to hear from you. I am waiting to hear if you approve of this text before I add your other posters. Tayyib? al rafeeq, Dan PS: do you have a version of this poster with a crisp black border around it? On Oct 6, 2010, at 7:37 PM, Mazin Chabayta wrote: Hi Dan, Yes I understand now what you have in mind, I think its a great idea and I believe "Allude" deserves this opportunity because the message is much better portrayed as you mentioned a "collection", so yes we can reconstruct it online. Regarding the photographs I will send as soon as I gather them up, so give me until tomorrow. I will also send the posters as soon as possible. Thanks for this, again and again. Regards, Mazin Chabayta
Begin forwarded message: From: Dan Walsh Date: October 4, 2010 9:30:31 AM PDT To: Mazin Chabayta Subject: Re: Thank you! Hi Mazin...see my comments in blue On Oct 4, 2010, at 9:55 AM, Mazin Chabayta wrote: Hi Dan, So sorry for the late reply. Hope all is well with yourself. Of course I don't mind adding my note to the web page. The source for the Darwish quote is his book "I Don't Want this Poem to End" (title translated by me), and the exact poem would be "Realistic" (title translated by me). Allude was a one week exhibition, so unfortunately the exhibition is not on anymore, Mafhoom. I understand that the exhibit does not exist...but do the POSTERS still exist? Can we reconstruct the CONTENT of ya'ni? Forgive me if this is a stupid repetitive question..sometimes clarity hangs in the clarification of single words, mazboot? In my work it is very important (and also exciting) to try to reconstruct exhibits of Palestine posters because, among other things, they can be the voice(s) of a collectivity speaking about Palestine or a single artist speaking deeply....shaef keef? I planned for another exhibition in Dubai that involved much more Palestinian works and artists, however the project's sponsors backed off last moment. However, I do have a few photographs from the exhibition if you're interested. Please let me know.. Silly question! Ma'aloom I want the photographs! I will add them to the "Sighting" collection. Regarding the posters, as I mentioned before, I only one copy of each poster. Also, I live in Saudi Arabia currently, and the posters would have to be sent from Saudi Arabia, so the shipping might cost more than national shipment in the US. Please let me know what would you prefer to do.. I am happy to cover postage. We can do this several ways...perhaps the easiest is to send you a check. Moomkin? Here is my mailing address: Walsh Box 2863 Silver Spring, MD 20915 USA Let me know if/when you ship so I can be looking for them. tadamon, Dan Thanks for everything Dan, Tadamon! Mazin Chabayta On Sep 28, 2010, at 6:57 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: ya Mazin, OK...I am very glad to be working with you as we. We agree on just about everything. If you consider that the PPPA site is ACTUALLY a curriculum for American high school students so they can learn about Palestine through its poster art...then perhaps my hyper concern for accuracy and nuance will make sense? 1) If its ok with you I will add a note about the Zionism/United Nations parallel. You will be able to read it at your gallery page and I will make any changes you like. Tayyib? 2) Forgive me if I have already asked you this but can you give me the source for the Darwish quote? 3) Next, can you tell me if "Allude" as an exhibit no longer exists or is it just the case that there is no url to see it at? In other words, do you HAVE the "Allude" exhibit? 4) We would like very much to have print copies of your posters. I think they belong in both the PPPA and the Georgetown University Lauinger Library...where I am creating a new collection based on my duplicate Palestine posters. I will gladly pay for shipping. tadamon, Dan On Sep 27, 2010, at 7:11 PM, Mazin Chabayta wrote: Hello Dan, Your welcome! I'm just very excited about this project of yours, this matter means a lot to me. Regarding your questions, I only have one copy for each poster and they're in A0 size, so if you're still interested in mailing them, I'll be more than happy to do so. "Allude" featured only my works, I was the first Palestinian artist to exhibit with Intifadart. Unfortunately, there's no website for that exhibition. Regarding the quote by Mahmoud Darwish, I believe you are right, the structure he was talking about was not just the UN, I believe he was talking about Zionism and their presence in the region. If that structure falls apart, it will fall on us and on our enemies. The defeat of Zionism will cost the whole structure to fall on us and on our enemies. However, in this poster, I was trying to refer to the impact that applying the international laws and regulations could have on the situation. The complete structure of laws and policies that the UN announced actually do cover almost the whole problem, by itself its complete, however, the application of those laws in my opinion the problem. So, with the help of Mahmoud Darwish's quote, I wanted to use the connection between the "complete structure" with the structure that UN has announced regarding Palestine. Failing to apply those policies, caused the structure to fall on us and on our enemies, which is what is happening today. I hope this answers your question. Mr. Wayne Osborn is the name of the guy that introduced us, his email address is Wayne Osborn . Thanks again! Tadamon! Mazin Chabayta On Sep 27, 2010, at 8:06 PM, Dan Walsh wrote: Hey Brother, You are the first artist I sent the data forms to and the first to fill them out. I can only hope the others follow your example. To reciprocate and honor your response I am going to upload all seven of your posters either today or tomorrow. I will email you when it is up. Q: You said your posters were printed? Do you have two copies each you can send us? Your work should be in the permanent Archives. Q: The exhibit "Allude" there a link for that? Were there other posters in that exhibit? tadamon! Dan On Sep 27, 2010, at 11:36 AM, Mazin Chabayta wrote: Hello! I filled out the forms, one form per poster, because each had a different title and the link in the word document was not working. Plus, I guess it makes it even easier for you. I attached 7 folders, each titled as a poster, with the PPPA document inside. Also, I thought that I should also explain exactly what Intifadart is, so that you would have the complete picture. As part of my senior project, which was titled Sustainability, I chose Palestine to be concentration. The sustainability of Palestine is a huge subject so I narrowed it down to the sustainability of Palestinian art. So, I formed Intifadart, with a clear manifesto and strong dedication to it. Intifadart is a Palestinian art movement that promotes creating an eruption of Palestinian art, from within and outside Palestine in order to remind the people around the world of the fading culture and art of Palestine. So, as part of the launch of the organization, Intifadart hosted a graphic design exhibition in Dec. 2009, titiled "Allude", it featured posters created by me, a Palestinian artist/designer, who focused his posters on the threats of the sustainability of Palestine. This in intifadart... Please let me know if you have anymore questions. Thanks again. Regards, Mazin Chabayta
Begin forwarded message: From: Mazin Chabayta Date: October 6, 2010 7:37:59 PM PDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Answers! Hi Dan, Yes I understand now what you have in mind, I think its a great idea and I believe "Allude" deserves this opportunity because the message is much better portrayed as you mentioned a "collection", so yes we can reconstruct it online. Regarding the photographs I will send as soon as I gather them up, so give me until tomorrow. I will also send the posters as soon as possible. Thanks for this, again and again. Regards, Mazin Chabayta
Here are some of the items and data that make for a complete and useful page at the PPPA site. If you are submitting a poster please try to fill in as much of this information as possible. You may submit more than one poster without filling in this form multiple times. For multiple submissions, click here: Thanks! PLEASE put the complete URL of the poster you are writing about HERE if it is already featured at the PPPA. This will ensure that we are all talking about the same poster. THANKS! Format – We only upload JPEGs to the PPPA site. If you want your poster to be downloadable and reprinted by the public please submit a high resolution PDF IN ADDITION to the JPEG. Title of the poster Laws Name of the artist/designer Mazin Chabayta Nationality of artist/designer USA Artists’ email address Artists’ web address Name of Publisher Mazin Chabayta Publisher’s web site Year of publication 2009 Dimensions of poster (inches or cm) A0 (118.9 cm X 84.1 cm) Country where was the poster printed? Dubai, United Arab Emirates Was your poster part of a contest or exhibition? Allude by Intifadart What languages are used/visible in the poster? English and Arabic Translation of all text “This is a complete structure no question about it, if it collapses on our enemies it collapses on us.” Mahmoud Darwish Artists’ statement/Interpretation of imagery (please tell us what the icons, images, colors, etc. mean to you) Since the first Intifada in 1986 the United Nations has announced several laws that are dedicated to humane or political issues regarding Palestine. However, in 2009, the situation remains unacceptable and represents a crisis that the whole world must face all the time. So, as part of the sustainability of Palestine project, Intifadart, the poster named Laws, represents one law every year since 1986 until 2009 as a complete structure that would collapse on us, if it collapses on our enemies. Was this poster printed-on-paper or is it a “digital only” poster? Print-on-paper Have you done any other Palestine posters? If yes, we invite you to submit them as well regardless of age, theme, etc. Yes If it was printed the PPPA would like to have three copies for the permanent Archives. If you would like to send us copies here is the address we will pay postage from locations served by FEDEX. Please indicate here if you would to submit copies. (Mention Georgetown University Special Collection?) Posters submitted with complete data are usually uploaded within 30 days. Thanks! Dan Walsh, Curator