I Am the Land Awakening

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (text at top) March 30th Land Day (from "Poem of the Land" by Mahmoud Darwish): O you who pass over my body.. you shall not pass I am the land in a body.. you shall not pass I am the land awakening.. you shall not pass ايها العابرون على جسدي.. لن تمروا انا الأرض في جسد.. لن تمروا انا الأرض في صحوها.. لن تمروا
Admin Notes

Arabic q 4 u Inbox x Dan Walsh 12:40 PM (19 minutes ago) to Salim http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/i-am-the-land-awakening ya ustaz, The Georgetown student who translated this poster says that Darwish used the word "ibraniyoon" in the first line... Welakina...I do not see that "ibraniyoon" is used .... that spelling would have been "العبرانيين" ... mazboot? Either: 1) She is incorrect 2) I am incorrect 3) the poster was misprinted 4) something else What is your advice? tadamon, Dan SALIM TAMARI st372@georgetown.edu 1:01 PM (0 minutes ago) to Rochelle, me Dear Dan (cc Rochelle) She is incorrect. Darwish's word is 'Aberoon (passers), not Ibrahiyoon (Hebrews), and the translation in the poster is correct. I am not sure if Darwish intended this as a play on the word Ibraniyoon. It is possible, but unlikely, as it would be too crude as a double entendre. It is true however that the root of Hebrews, according to some linguists, comes from an old semitic roots 'Abiru--'those who travel, or migrate, or some-such.