I Am With the Revolutionaries

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Click here to view a scaleable high resolution version of this poster 

Special thanks to Emanuele for the Italian-to-English translation; to Amer Shomali for the digital remastering; and to the Museum of Design Zurich for making this high resolution file available


Analysis: This poster presents it narrative in a long horizontal format not unlike those of the Bayeau Tapestery and Picasso's Geurnica both of which the artist quotes in both content and format. Myriad icons and groupings dot the poster with each adding a critical historical or cultural detail of the story of contemporary Palestine. Intrisic to this telling is the complexity of Palestine's modern history: details related to ancient Jewish history, the biblical tale of the Promised Land are interwoven with quotes from Fatah and the Quran, references to the pivotal 1968 battle of Al Karameh and the political struggle for the rights of Arab women.

1) Manifesto The Palestinian national liberation movement is an essential part of the Arab liberation movement and of the international movement because all the liberation struggles in the world mutually help each other. The 1948 war brought to the rebirth of the state of Israel and was led by the feudal half-bourgeois Arab regimes allied with the colonialism and the imperialism in the Arab area. During the common struggle in Palestine and in the Arab world we need to aim at the counter-revolutionary forces (the Zionist movement, whose colonial base in Palestine is Israel, Arab reaction, the colonialism and imperialism) to create revolutionary Arab regimes able to mobilize the Palestinian and Arab masses for a long-term popular war. 

2) Israel, where are you going? More than 20 years of Zionist domination weakened the international feelings of the Jewish working class in Israel, which was totally alienated by the Jewish bourgeoise, i.e., Zionism. The working class and the Arab masses are still largely subdued by feudal, theocratic and petty bourgeois ideologies; The armed struggle is the only way to liberate the Israelis and the Arabs, giving them back their rights and their dignity. We think that the Vietnamese model is the only way to bring the imperialist and counter-revolutionary forces down in the underdeveloped countries. The Palestinian resistance chose this way in opposition to the Arab revisionist bureaucratic and petty burgeois regimes, who are still waging a classical war and diplomacy, and to the feudal monarchies which are trying to physically obliterate the resistance. 

3) The struggle for the liberation will be the rebirth of the Arab Woman 

4) Imperialism is not Christian nor Jewish nor Muslim but it's based on the cult of money  

5) The text inside the crescent moon is a quote from the Holy Quran:  I swear by the galaxies. Precisely running their courses. And by the night as it recedes. And by the morn as it breathes. Woe to the defrauders. Those who, when they take a measure from people, they take in full. But when they measure or weigh to others, they cheat. Quran. 

6) Text inside the balloon: The 4000 years old biblical promise (I will give that country to your progeny from the Nile to the Euphrates) was for Abraham's progeny: both the Jews (the sons of Israel) and the Arabs (the sons of Ismael) 

7) Text under the rabbi and the students: The prophecy of the "return" became true when the Jews came back to Judea to build the walls of Jerusalem and to reconsecrate the temple after their captivity. In the Holy Scripture. There's no promise for a second return so the question of Israel presented as the return after 2000 years contradicts the Bible's promise on which claims to be based. For this reason even in Jerusalem you can find Jews who think that Israel is against their religion.  

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source
Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message: From: "emontaldo@libero.it" Date: August 16, 2010 10:51:37 AM EDT To: Subject: R: Hello Elisabetta...can you tell me if you are the artist who created these posters? Molto grazie....Dan Walsh Reply-To: "emontaldo@libero.it" ies I am! Centuries ago. why? Elisabetta ----Messaggio originale---- Da: liberation@igc.org Data: 15/08/2010 23.49 A: Ogg: Hello Elisabetta...can you tell me if you are the artist who created these posters? Molto grazie....Dan Walsh http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/half-century-of-struggle http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/i-am-with-the-revolution

Begin forwarded message: From: "emontaldo@libero.it" Date: October 12, 2010 2:45:43 AM EDT To: Subject: R: Second poster .... Just ONE question per email...Hello Elisabetta...did you do this poster? Dan Reply-To: "emontaldo@libero.it" IES ----Messaggio originale---- Da: liberation@igc.org Data: 12/10/2010 3.32 A: Ogg: Second poster .... Just ONE question per email...Hello Elisabetta... did you do this poster? Dan http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/i-am-with-the-revolutionaries

Begin forwarded message: From: "emontaldo@libero.it" Date: September 10, 2010 12:40:54 PM EDT To: Subject: R: Dearest Elisabetta...please be tender to a pathetic graduate student...OK? Reply-To: "emontaldo@libero.it" Dear, it is impossible for me now to be so cruel and don't give you an aswer. Than...At the end of the seventies i has been living in a big house in Rome with a group called La Comune di Trastevere. The members were eigth-ten young people, artist and musician, italian and south american. We worked together in different cultural projects about the third world fights. I am a painter so I did take part to the graphic group and we produced some posters, original mix of images and short scripts to make the public know the battle of different people, chinese, south american, african, palestinian... We produced the posters, we print it and we sold it in the street. So it happen than the palestinian student in Italy, members of GUPS got in touch with us when we did sell our poster during a demonstration and asked if I could make some posters for them and I did a couple. It is anough? By by Elisabetta ----Messaggio originale---- Da: liberation@igc.org Data: 08/09/2010 18.11 A: Ogg: Dearest Elisabetta...please be tender to a pathetic graduate student... OK? Dear Elisabetta, If I were to stand beneath your window and sing songs to your beauty, grace, creativity and courage...then would you answer my research questions about your Palestine posters? If I were to send sumptuous bouquets of rare and fragrant flowers to your studio every day...then would you grant me the opportunity to ask you questions about how, why, where and when you did the Palestine posters you created in the 70's? If the Palestinian ambassadors in Rome and Washington: Ambassador Maen Rashid Areikat PLO Representative to the United States Tel:(202)974-6360 Palestinian General Delegation Ambassador Mr. Nimer Hammad Address: Piazza San Giovanni In Laterano, 72 Rome, Italy 00184 Tel: 396-7005041/7008791 Fax: 396-7005115 were to call you confirming that I am a serious researcher and that the work you did on Palestine is of great importance to the effort to salvage/save the poster art of Palestine....then would you maybe consider granting me some minutes to discuss your work? I actually CAN have the ambassadors call...its true. So...is there any hope for this? I am writing my thesis now and to be able to ask you some detailed questions would be a gift not only to me...but to Palestine as well. Hoping you are in a generous (and patient) mood, Dan Walsh

No. G-2376 in the Design Museum Zurich web site

Begin forwarded message: From: "emontaldo@libero.it" Date: August 16, 2010 10:51:37 AM EDT To: Subject: R: Hello Elisabetta...can you tell me if you are the artist who created these posters? Molto grazie....Dan Walsh Reply-To: "emontaldo@libero.it" ies I am! Centuries ago. why? Elisabetta ----Messaggio originale---- Da: liberation@igc.org Data: 15/08/2010 23.49 A: Ogg: Hello Elisabetta...can you tell me if you are the artist who created these posters? Molto grazie....Dan Walsh http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/half-century-of-struggle http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/i-am-with-the-revolution

Begin forwarded message: From: Date: August 13, 2010 11:37:35 AM EDT To: Subject: AW: new Palestine posters on our website Dear Dan sorry, I'm in a hurry...I try to give you quick an answer. And I will be here for you again on monday. Please choose: Advanced search on the left. Then: Advanced search for Objects Choosefield: Number Choose Condition: is ...and then fill in the numbers I gave you! Good success! And all the best also for the collaboration with Giovanna Magnoli, it sounds great! Bettina Von: Dan Walsh [mailto:liberation@igc.org] Gesendet: Freitag, 13. August 2010 17:15 An: Richter Bettina Betreff: Re: new Palestine posters on our website Hi Bettina, I am on vacation in a lovely little seacoast town in Maine, called Belfast. When I saw your email I immediately opened it and tried to find the posters you listed. I hope you won't be upset with me ... but I can't figure out how to actually see the posters. I tried putting the numbers you sent into the search window but that gives me a message of: Suche nach '84-0254': Objekte: 0 Treffer Personen/Institutionen: 0 Treffer Ausstellungen: 0 Treffer Dokumente MIZ-Archiv: 0 Treffer Projekte: 0 Treffer Can you send me either some instructions or just the actual URL's of the posters. I am VERY excited to see what you have put up. I am across the table from Giovanna Magnoli, the Italian woman who interprets/corresponds for me with Bruno Margadant...she is in the US on vacation and we are hosting her for a few days. She does incredible solidarity work for the PPPA and we are so glad to be able to repay her in some small way. best, Dan On Aug 13, 2010, at 10:06 AM, wrote: Dear Dan under the following numbers you can find the new Palestine posters form the Margadant collection I now have integrate in our online database: 31-0637 31-0638 31-0647 32-0578 59-1639 83-0591 83-1378 83-1380 bis 83-1415 84-0254 84-0255 G-2376 From number 84-0254 and 83-0591 (however a reprint!) I can offer you a copy! Best wishes, Bettina Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Plakatsammlung Dr. Bettina Richter, Kuratorin Limmatstrasse 57, Postfach 8031 Zürich Tel.: +41 043 446 44 66 Tel. direkt: +41 043 446 66 06 Fax: +41 043 446 45 57 bettina.richter@zhdk.ch Bürozeiten Mittwoch bis Freitag www.museum-gestaltung.ch Unsere Ausstellungen / Our exhibitions: Charlotte Perriand − Designerin, Fotografin, Aktivistin Halle: bis 24. Oktober 2010 Make up − Design der Oberfläche Galerie: 25. August 2010 bis 2. Januar 2011 René Burri − Vintage Prints − Le Corbusier Museum Bellerive: 20. August bis 7. November 2010 NEU: Unsere Sammlungen Online http://www.emuseum.ch NEW: Our collections online http://www.emuseum.ch Do you really need to print this email? Think green!