Nabil Kanafani
4:45 AM (5 hours ago)
to Vladimir, me, Rochelle, Mona
Hi Vlad old cabbage,
Mona and I noted with interest that poster #372 whose caption says:
I did not die
I am still here
To help you with the struggle
Curator's note: The man in this poster remains unidentified
depicts none other than Mona’s father Maarouf Saad, martyred 1975 in Saida. Maarouf was a champion of the Palestinian struggle from its early days, and fought in Palestine before 1948.
The Arabic text reads: “I did not die.. I am still calling you to the struggle”.
We are researching the artist whose name appears at the bottom of the portrait but is illegible.
Correction is called for.
Thanks buddy,
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Preview attachment Maarouf Saad.jpg
Maarouf Saad.jpg
Rochelle Davis
7:30 AM (2 hours ago)
to me
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nabil Kanafani
Date: Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 4:45 AM
Subject: Posters
To: Vladimir
Cc: Walsh , Rochelle Davis , Mona Saad Kanafani
Hi Vlad old cabbage,
Mona and I noted with interest that poster #372 whose caption says:
I did not die
I am still here
To help you with the struggle
Curator's note: The man in this poster remains unidentified
depicts none other than Mona’s father Maarouf Saad, martyred 1975 in Saida. Maarouf was a champion of the Palestinian struggle from its early days, and fought in Palestine before 1948.
The Arabic text reads: “I did not die.. I am still calling you to the struggle”.
We are researching the artist whose name appears at the bottom of the portrait but is illegible.
Correction is called for.
Thanks buddy,
Attachments area
Preview attachment Maarouf Saad.jpg
Maarouf Saad.jpg
Vladimir Tamari
7:39 AM (2 hours ago)
to Nabil, me, Rochelle, Mona
Thanks Nabil old Tomato
What a fine drawing and poster!
Rest In Peace Abu Mona. Dan is always anxious to correct any data about any poster.
Dan, from the florid respectful greetings Nabil and I use you can tell we are university buddies.. Beirut 1959 or so!
Vladimir Tamari
8:06 AM (1 hour ago)
to Nabil, me, Rochelle, Mona
Found the artist's name a well known Egyptian artist and illustrator
Gamal Qutb جمال القطب
Other information in Arabic online and on facebook. I find his portrait drawing skills quite better than most Arab artists I know of.
On Sep 17, 2015, at 5:45 PM, Nabil Kanafani wrote: