Ibn Khaldoun

Admin Notes

P1030732 DWPO.2009.030 Ibn Khaldoun Jammalieh Rula Palestine Fringe Ensemble of Nazareth Palestine 2009 60.9 x 50.0 Theater, performance, historical figure Red background with Islamic geometric designs arching LL to UR, center large photo of historical man's face, LR photo of contemporary family, text at UR, right, bottom Fringe Ensemble Of Nazareth/ Fringe Ensemble of Nazareth Presents the Play [UR, Arabic & English with logo]/ Ibn Khaldoun [right center]/ Prepared and Directed by: Hisham Suleiman Starring: Marwan Okal, Sanaa' Lahab, Shadi Surur, Maisaa' Khamis, Hasan Taha/ Translation and Scenery: Tarek Qubti Script Preparation of IbnKhaldoun: Naji Thaher Music: Wisam Jubran [bottom center, in Arabic]/ Designed by: Rula Jammalieh [vert, LL]/ Tinkerbot [LL in logo]/. مسرح انسمبل فرينج الناصرة\ مسرح انسمبل فرينج الناصرة يقدم مسرحية\ إبن\ خلدون\ إعداد وإخراج: هشام سليمان تمثيل: مروان عوكل, سناء لهب, شادي سرور, ميساء خميس, حسن طه\ ترجمة وإعداد مشاهد: طارق قبطي إعداد نصوص إبن خلدون: ناجي ظاهر موسيقى: وسام جبران\. Poster Some very light creases along the border (not the edge) of poster Arabic Dan Walsh

[ PPPA Contact Form Submission] Inbox X Reply Rula jammalieh rula.jammalieh@gmail.com via cpanel23.teamholistic.com to me show details 5:00 AM (1 hour ago) Submitted on Friday, October 7, 2011 - 09:00 Submitted by anonymous user: [] Submitted values are: Your name: Rula jammalieh Your e-mail address: rula.jammalieh@gmail.com Subject: better poster Category: I want to submit a poster Poster Upload: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/sites/aod/files/webform/uploads/eb... Message: Hi, Iam rula jammalieh from Palestine, I was searching in your web and i saw the poster of Iben Khaldoon that i had designed in a low Quality so i decided to send you the better quality and if you want i can send you many posters that i had designed thx in advance Rula