Admin Notes:
356 Tel-Aviv Municipality – Absorption of New Immigrants 09. Posters, Bibliophilia, Bezalel, Israeli and International Art
"Request a Tel-Aviv Municipality Mark to Fulfill the City's Needs". Official poster issued by the city of Tel-Aviv. Linol: Zvi Bergman Institute. Haaretz Ltd. printing press, Tel-Aviv, [late 1940s]. A verse from the Book of Leviticus appears on the lower part. In the center appear photos of tent-camps erected for new immigrants.
50X70 cm. Good condition, folding marks and creases. Minor tears.
Opening- $400
Noga Malkin
7:54 PM (15 minutes ago)
to me
Found! For a mere $400 you can buy the actual poster:
Their full catalog with some other interesting stuff (posters starting on page 177) is available here: - and all in English too!
This is a poster from the late 40s, an official banner from the Tel-Aviv municipality. It must be before 1949 because in 1949 the city became Tel-Aviv-Jaffa municipality, but in this poster it is clearly just Tel-Aviv. The photographs are from the tent-cities established to house new Olim (so probably not Palestinian refugees but rather Jews who were arriving, though I suppose some of those were refugees). This is really cool. I'm not sure who exactly they were supposed the be demanding the tag from (the Olim?) and who it was that was meant to be demanding it - who's the audience for this poster? It could also be translated as "request" instead of "demand", so perhaps the new immigrants are the ones meant to be requesting the tag. We wouldn't use this word to mean request today (it's a bit aggressive) but could have been different then, and the catalog I linked to did translate it as request.
The catalog also says - Linol: Zvi Bergman Institute. Haaretz Ltd printing press, Tel-Aviv (perhaps that's what appears in small writing on the bottom right that we can't read)
Demand a Tel-Aviv tag
To fulfill the city's needs during this time
If thy brother be waxen poor... then thou shalt relieve him.
Leviticus 25:35 (KJV)