(text at top)
If you will it, it is no fairy tale (Herzl)
(text at bottom)
We are the last generation of slavery and first generation of redemption (Bialik)
Curator's note: This motto, "If you will it, it is no fairy-tale" is Herzl's clarion call to all proto-Zionists. With it, Herzl placed the responsibility for bringing the Jewish renaissance into being squarely on the shoulders of the Jewish organizations, and their constituencies, that were present at the First Zionist Congress in 1897.
This slogan is often quoted/translated differently. See: The Jews Who Will it, Will Have Their State
http://cgi.ebay.com/KKL-JNF-Dr-Theodor-Herzl-Haim-Nahman-Bialik-Poster-1...The poster is commemorating the two great Jews who died at following days with 30 years between them, Dr. Theodor Herzl (2.5.1860 – 3.7.1904), Haim Nahman Bialik (9.1.1873 – 4.7.1934).
The poster is titled with Herzl immortal motto – "If you will it is no fairy-tale", a picture of Herzl and Bialik above their graves.
Including a picture of the table Herzl wrote "The Jewish State" on and the library in Tel-Aviv which Bialik used to work in.
The bottom pictures are displaying the fulfillment of the vision with a picture of Israel's declaration of independence, the sworn of the first president Chaim Weizmann, children of immigrants at school, the first harvest in the Negev and sailors of the Israel Navy parading on Independence Day.
The bottom is titled with Bialik's famous phrase "Last generation of slavery and first generation of redemption we are".
This poster was made by JNF (Jewish Nation Fund – KKL) probably to be hung in schools.
Good condition, some wear to the edges.
50cm X 70cm / 19.68in X 27.55in.KKL JNF Dr Theodor Herzl Haim Nahman Bialik Poster 1952
Item condition: --
Price: US $85.00
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