Illegal Occupation of Palestine

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"Other" poster

Begin forwarded message: From: "Beatrice Merahi" Date: January 10, 2011 11:14:13 AM EST To: "Dan Walsh" Cc: "Paul Raymond" , "Michel Nseir" Subject: Re: WCC poster on Palestine Hello Dan, Thank you for having posted our poster on the PPPA site. 1) 2002 see also: 2) Turbo Design Ramallah 3) Unfortunately, I can send you only 2 copies, since we don't have many copies left. However, I will send you 6 copies of another EAPPI poster. Kind regards, Beatrice Dan Walsh 21-Dec-10 7:37 pm >>> Hello Beatrice, Thank you the jpeg. I will post it at the PPPA site today. May I ask you four follow up questions? 1) What year was this poster printed? (What year was the first of the DOV?) 2) Who is the artist? Name and nationality would be helpful. 3) We would like to receive six copies, if possible. These will be included into the permanent collections of the Library of Congress; Georgetown University; Columbia University; the PPPA; and several other major archives. Shipping address: Walsh Box 2863 Silver Spring, MD 20915 USA 4) Is there an archives of WCC posters that refer to Palestine? If yes, how would one see them? Thank you, Dan Walsh, Candidate Master of Arts/Arab Studies Georgetown University On Dec 21, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Beatrice Merahi wrote: Dear all, Please find attached the WCC poster. If you need further information, Anne-Marie James should be able to give you more details. Kind regards, Beatrice Merahi --------------------------------------- Beatrice Merahi Project Assistant Public Witness World Council of Churches 150, rte de Ferney - P.O. Box 2100 1211 Geneva 2 - Switzerland Tel: +41-22 791 6116 Fax: +41-22 791 6122 Michel Nseir 21-Dec-10 3:57 pm >>> of course... this is the 1st year focus of the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV), with the WCC campaign to end occupation. I think that there are no posters left. I'm copying Beatrice to check whether she knows if there is still some left... Don't know if there is an electronic copy of it??? m. On 21/12/2010 at 15:03 PM, EAPPI Communications Officer wrote: Dear Manuel, I have no idea. It's not a WWFPPI thing, is it John? Paul Adrian Raymond On Dec 21, 2010, at 12:54 PM, Manuel Quintero wrote: Paul, any clue? Regards, Manuel From: Dan Walsh Date: December 17, 2010 9:16:44 PM GMT+02:00 To: Subject: Hello Peter... Thank you for taking the time to answer my email. I am not on my computer just now so I cannot find my original email. Please forgive me if I am repeating myself. I attach here the url for the exact poster I am looking for: ne It carries the WCC logo, name and address in Switzerland. Can you direct me to the WCC office that printed it? Many thanks, Dan Walsh Original message: Dan Walsh Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:39 PM >>> Hello, 1) Can you tell me if the WCC has a jpeg of this poster? 2) May I receive copies of this poster? 3) Who was the artist/designer? 4) Does the WCC have other Palestine/Israel related posters? Thank you, Dan Walsh, Archivist

Begin forwarded message: From: "Peter Williams" Date: December 18, 2010 8:48:50 AM EST To: Subject: Re: Hello Peter... Hi Dan Now I understand what you are looking for, I have forwarded your request to Manuel Quintero; who is in charge of WCC's Palestine program in Geneva, I hope he can help you.. Best regards Peter Peter Williams Photographer & Video Producer World Council of Churches 150 route de Ferney CH-1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland Ph: +41 22 791 60 81 Fx: +41 22 798 13 46 E-mail: Web site: Dan Walsh 12/17/10 8:16 PM >>> Thank you for taking the time to answer my email. I am not on my computer just now so I cannot find my original email. Please forgive me if I am repeating myself. I attach here the url for the exact poster I am looking for: It carries the WCC logo, name and address in Switzerland. Can you direct me to the WCC office that printed it? Many thanks, Dan Walsh Original message: Dan Walsh Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:39 PM >>> Hello, 1) Can you tell me if the WCC has a jpeg of this poster? 2) May I receive copies of this poster? 3) Who was the artist/designer? 4) Does the WCC have other Palestine/Israel related posters? Thank you, Dan Walsh, Archivist