Imperialism and Zionism

Admin Notes

Palestine Poster Project Archives...hello...






Dan Walsh

Jan 21


to hill






Hello Thomas Hill,


GREAT site!


We have begun to link the Palestine posters in the Poster Arc collection to the PPPA.


We hope u r good with that. Many we already had but a bunch are new to us.


Do you respond to requests for close up shots of signatures on posters? We would like to be able to identify the artists and in some of

the posters there is a signature but we cannot read it at the current resolution.


Here is one example:


There appears to be a signature in the lower left. We have Arabic translators who can read and translate for us.




The signature is on the black cuff.


Last one:


In the lower right hand corner.


Many thanks and mad respect!


Dan Walsh/PPPA





Thomas Hill

Jan 22


to me


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Dear Dan,


there are in total 133 posters from Palestine in our archive and probably several hundred Palestine solidarity posters among our 50.000 international “political-social movements” posters which are only sorted by country of origin. Although they are all stored accessibly, it would take weeks to go through the entire lot and identify everything with Palestine relevance.

If you know of someone who would like to take this on, then this person is welcome here on location but we simply don’t have the time for it.

As you may remember from previous conversations, I am myself looking for an institution to take on our entire archive in order to further focus on preserving posters from Sub-Saharan Africa – we have now 13.000 posters from and on this continent.

If you can assist in finding an institution to acquire larger sections PosterArc’s 120.000 posters, then I would make sure that everything pertaining to Palestine would fuse with your authoritative collection on the subject.


If you would like me to just look at a few signatures and let you know, I am of course happy to do so.


Best wishes,



Von: Dan Walsh []
Gesendet: Sonntag, 22. Januar 2017 02:02
Betreff: Palestine Poster Project Archives...hello...




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Dan Walsh

Jan 23


to Thomas






Dear Thomas,

Thanks so much for your reply. It raises lots of interesting (for me anyway) questions.


1) Do you have time/interest to answer questions? Like you I run and archives and I know how much time it takes and the kinds of demands it requires. I don't want to impose myself. Here is a shot of my shop:



2) I completely understand the impossiblity of you locating all the 133 Palestine posters in your archive and I would like to take you up on your offer to locate the three posters I sent and ask if you can shoot just their signatures.


Here they are again:



Each also has the Poster Arc url listed in Related Links if you prefer that.


3) You said that one could look through the posters "on location" ... where is that exactly? Please excuse if that info is listed already at your site.


4) If your archive is already collated as to country of origin would that mean that a researcher could, for example, quickly isolate the posters from say, all the Arab countries? Or all European? That might winnow things down a bit.


5) In the several years since I completed my thesis at Georgetown University the PPPA has grown enormously and opened up an entire world to me that I knew nothing of before. The PPPA has any number of connections and relationships with national libraries, universities, international archives and the like all of which have their Palestine poster collections featured at the PPPA. We also have a gifting/trading program for Palestine posters:


We are awaiting several other letters of acknowledgement for gifts that have already been made and accepted.


I would be interested to discuss the process of finding a suitable repository for your archive if that is indeed something you would value.


I look forward to hearing back from you.


best regards,








Thomas Hill

Jan 23


to me


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Dear Dan,


last year I have actually shared PPPA petition for inclusion in UNESCO world memory several times, I happen to have a nice slice of another one of their accepted entries – many hundred film poster duplicates, we have exchanged with the Dutch Film Museum from their Desmet Collection :


The 133 which we think are all Palestinian posters, are all separated and stored in a single folder but the Palestinian solidarity campaigns from all over the place, mainly Europe, are in unsorted country collections with all kinds of other protest and counter culture posters and that would take weeks to go through them. Surely there will be hundreds of them.

When I think of it – my partner has sorted the 7.000 Dutch posters by subject and I could have a look today how many on Palestine there are. This will probably be, besides Germany, the most fruitful country collection anyway.


I am always happy to help all similar efforts to ours but hope to find a way where it could be reciprocal.





Von: Dan Walsh []
Gesendet: Montag, 23. Januar 2017 06:33
An: Thomas Hill
Betreff: Re: Palestine Poster Project Archives...hello...







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Thomas Hill

Jan 23


to me


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Hi Dan,


I’ve checked the section Palestine solidarity posters from Holland and there are 49 mostly from the 1980’s.

Do you know the IISG in Amsterdam ? This is the largest collection in the world of left social movements with around 120.000 posters, then comes the CSPG in LA with 80.000 ? and us at 50.000. But you will probably have worked with the other two already. We have received many of our Palestine posters in duplicate exchanges from the IISG.





Von: Thomas Hill []
Gesendet: Montag, 23. Januar 2017 11:54
An: 'Dan Walsh'
Betreff: AW: Palestine Poster Project Archives...hello...




Dan Walsh

Jan 23


to Thomas






Hello Thomas,

Thanks and yes I know/work with IISH and also everyone and here is the IISH collection at PPPA:


Q: Is there a digital record of your section Palestine solidarity posters from Holland ?


Also, please feel free to send me one word answers.




Thomas Hill

Jan 23


to me


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As I said Dan, nothing is digitized except total of 2.000 posters on our website.

Just checked the duplicates on your site – among our 133 FROM Palestine posters is this (signed) set of “Down with the Occupation” which reduces the number of interest to you already considerably.

Looking at the IISG posters on your site – I know for a fact that a few you have now included from our website stem from duplicate exchanges with IISG, so I don’t think you have their complete Palestine inventory.


Von: Dan Walsh []
Gesendet: Montag, 23. Januar 2017 22:00




Thomas Hill

Jan 30


to me


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Hi Dan,


just got this poster in hands today and the artist signature says SILCO.


We have in total only about 500 to 600 silk screen prints in our archive and this one is exceptionally well done.





Von: Thomas Hill []
Gesendet: Montag, 23. Januar 2017 22:31




Thomas Hill

Jan 30


to me


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When I click on these two links the same poster appears – the first one:



Von: Thomas Hill []
Gesendet: Montag, 30. Januar 2017 21:24
An: 'Dan Walsh'
Betreff: WG: Palestine Poster Project Archives...hello...




Dan Walsh

Jan 30


to Thomas






Hello Thomas and thanks for your note about the two titles going to the same poster. I did change the title but I don't understand why the OLD title still works to take one to the NEW entry. I will ask my webmeister.

About the SILCO the text on the VERY bottom of the poster?


I ask because I can see an Arabic scripted signature in the black area (I have circled it in the attached jpeg)


If you can send me a shot of that signature I will translate it.


best regards,




Attachments area






Thomas Hill

Jan 30


to me


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That leads me to the confession that I have never made photos with a phone, send SMS . . . and don’t have a camera.

But can write nice emails with one finger.




And copy and paste . . .


Von: Dan Walsh []
Gesendet: Montag, 30. Januar 2017 23:41




Dan Walsh

Jan 30


to Thomas






Thanks anyway and if you ever get a phone with a camera in it we'd love to translate that signature for you. And any other Arabic ones you might like to have translated.







Dan Walsh

Jan 31


to Thomas






Hello Again Thomas.

It dawned on me that you might have the original scan of the poster at high res?




If yes, one could photoshop that for just the signature.






Thomas Hill

Jan 31


to me


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Hi Dan,


as it may have dawned on you I am not tech savvy at all. Someone in another country – I am leading a nomadic life for over 30 years – has created my website a few years ago.

I am sure that in our section Political Middle East is a lot more material of interest to PPPA and as I said, if you know of someone to take a look at the material while I am in Holland, that person is very welcome to do so. Alternatively I can enquire about the cost of digitizing the approx. 230 Middle Eastern poster minus the set of “Down with Occupation” and let you know if you see a chance of finding the money for it. But even then, there will be many more posters with Pal. reference in other country collections, which would take months to locate between 60.000 political posters.





Von: Dan Walsh []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 31. Januar 2017 11:34
An: Thomas Hill
Betreff: Re: Palestine Poster Project Archives...hello...


Hello Again Thomas.


It dawned on me that you might have the original scan of the poster at high res?




If yes, one could photoshop that for just the signature.






On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 11:55 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

Thanks anyway and if you ever get a phone with a camera in it we'd love to translate that signature for you. And any other Arabic ones you might like to have translated.






On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 6:06 PM, Thomas Hill wrote:

That leads me to the confession that I have never made photos with a phone, send SMS . . . and don’t have a camera.

But can write nice emails with one finger.




And copy and paste . . .








Dan Walsh

Jan 31


to Thomas






Hi Thomas,

I hear you. I too am not that tech-savvy except for the things I had to do for my graduate thesis (where someone who DID know what they were doing walked me through the processes like a dozen times) so please don't think I don't get it.


My point is this: Your Poster Arc Collection features the two posters I am talking about:


That being said I assumed that someone somewhere had the original scans in order to build the Poster Arc Collection web site. Yes?


If that is the case then the original hi res scan used to build the PAC web site could be accessed again to read the signature. Yes?


Maybe my assumptions are off but I wanted you to understand my thinking.


As for having the funds to pay someone to look through all your posters...that is not in the cards. I have thousands of posters here in my own home I have not yet gotten to ... but I hear you and appreciate your offer.


Let me close by saying I am glad we are in touch.


best regards,

