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mad respect!
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to Hamza
Dear Mohammed,
We at the PPPA love your work:
Q: Is the graphic in this poster your work?
viva Palestina!
Dan Walsh/PPPA
Hamza .
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to me
Hi Dan hope you well? I appreciate the support. That particular poster art? no it's not.
By the way Dan I have launched my Intifada Street prints finally after years of trying so they are now available. I would appreciate if your could get the word out for if any one knows the struggle of an artist it is u my friend.
Intifada Street
Sent from my iPhone
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to Hamza
Brother Mohammed,
How is this for helping to get the word out?
I will add the other poster later today...akeed!
Best of luck to you...I wish you all success. I ran a political poster business, Liberation Graphics, for 35 years. I know that street well.
viva Palestina!
PS: I will send you the link for the other poster when it is up.
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to Hamza
Hamza .
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to me
Full respect thanks bro
I've sharper it on Fb
Sent from my iPhone
On 21 Mar 2017, at 13:28, Dan Walsh wrote:
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:18 AM, Dan Walsh wrote:
Brother Mohammed,
How is this for helping to get the word out?
I will add the other poster later today...akeed!
Best of luck to you...I wish you all success. I ran a political poster business, Liberation Graphics, for 35 years. I know that street well.
viva Palestina!
PS: I will send you the link for the other poster when it is up.
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Hamza . wrote:
Hi Dan hope you well? I appreciate the support. That particular poster art? no it's not.
By the way Dan I have launched my Intifada Street prints finally after years of trying so they are now available. I would appreciate if your could get the word out for if any one knows the struggle of an artist it is u my friend.
2 Attachments
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to Hamza
send me your facebook link I will add it
Hamza .
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to me
Feel free to add me too
Sent from my iPhone
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to Hamza
I added your FB pages to both PPPA pages:
Two comments:
1) PPPA is the "Palestine Poster Project Archives"...not "Palestinian"...the link you have does not work.
2) I would add dimensions/PENPAL/etc. info that you have on the first poster to the second one as well. Also add a note about availability and increased expense of shipping outside UK.
viva Palestina!
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to Hamza
I thought to tell you about this program...I think you are a perfect candidate since your work is becoming so well known and popular:
The PPPA's Palestine Posters to Museums Program:
Basically, this ia our effort to get Palestine posters accepted/honored in major libraries, national archives, prestgious university collections, etc.
We already have five and have about ten more in the works. This program raises the Palestine poster's international recognition and removes Zionism's efforts to de-legitimize the poster art of Palestine.
How does it work? All we need are actual copies of posters so if you have extras, overprints, samples, etc. you can use those. We do not want you to spend time/lose money printing posters. PPPA uses only its duplicates/extras...we never let go of our only copy of a Palestine poster but we do let go of our surplus.
So if you have any extras this is a way to see your works in prestigious museums around the world. We do the work and send you the link once the gift has been accepted. We do not profit from this or any of our efforts on Palestine.
Let me know what you think.
Hamza .
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to me
Sounds a brilliant way of out reach. Unfortunately, I just launched my art prints 6wks ago so I don't print in bulk but individually as and when an order is made. But I will bear it in mind. Where are u based Dan? U on fb?
Sent from my iPhone
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
to Hamza
u so lucky! When I was running Liberation Graphics always had to print at least 1k posters to get u can just print to order MUCH better...and I wish you all the success in the world ...yes telling u about the Museums program was really meant to make you aware of it for future stuff like if a client prints up lots of posters, etc.
I live in a small town outside DC (near asshole So-Called President Trash) if you are ever nearby please let me know.
Hamza .
Mar 21 (7 days ago)
God bless Dan heres my number 0044 7969 171934 add me on whatsapp or if u on ...
Dan Walsh
10:06 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Hamza
Brother of Palestine,
I want to see your works in museums and national archives.
Idea: Don't throw away ANY of your posters. Misprints, torn posters, out-of-date, extras, commercial samples, whatever. KEEP THEM.
Museums and universities don't need perfect/pristine works. They will even accept posters that were glued up and then taken down.
So you don't have to go to any expense: If a year from now you have a batch of extras/misprints, etc. I have people going to UK/Europe and they can come get them from you. I will always send you
all info so you can see where your posters went.
I hope this idea works for you.
Viva Palestina!
Mad respect,
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