P1030627 DWPO.2009.133 Irish Film & Animation Festival Sabreen Association for Artistic Development Palestine 2009 67.0 x 46.7 Festival, films, Ireland White rectangle and film strip with text in middle, green to right and orange to left, text throughout Irish Film Festival [in Arabic]/ SABREEN ASSOCIATION FOR ARTISTIC DEVELOPMENT/ INA SSOCIATION WITH ONE EYE PRODUCTIONS [Engligh, top center, diagonal]/ IRISH FILM & ANIMATION FESTIVAL/ PALESTINE [English, diagonal, center]/ JERUSALEM/ al Sanabel April 26-May 15/ BETHLEHEM/ Dar Annadwa April 27 & 30/ RAMALLAH/ al Kasaba April 25-30/ GAZA/ P.R.C.S MAY 5-12 [center right to LR, English & Arabic]/ for info contact: nial 0598 179790 or email 1ifilm@gmail.com [LR]/ Subtitles in Arabic [English & Arabic]/ the arts council/ PYALARA/ culture ireland/ promoting the arts abroad/ Sabreen/ ASSOCIATION FOR ARTISTIC DEVELOPMENT/ darklight/ tour/ Bethlehem Bible College/ Irish Aid/ Government of Ireland/ International Center of Bethlehem/ Palestine Red Crescent Society/ RAMATTAN [LL, with logos]/. مهرجان الفلم الايرلندي\ القدس\ السنابل 26 نيسان 5 ايار\ بيت لحم\ دار الندوة 27 & 30 نيسان\ رام الله\ القصبة 25-30 نيسان\ غزة\ الهلال الاحمر 5-12 ايار\الافلام مترجمة للعربية\ رامتان\ كلية بيت لحم للكتاب المقدس\مؤسسة صابرين للتطوير الفني\ جمعية الهلال الاحمر الفلسطيني\. Poster Arabic English Dan Walsh
Irish Film & Animation Festival - Palestine
Artist / Designer / Photographer
Special Collection
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The PPPA has an original copy of this poster
67.0 x 46.7 cm
Admin Notes