Irresistable Historical Trend - 1

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Text: Resolutely support the struggle of the Palestinian and other Arab peoples against imperialist-Israeli aggression Irresistible historical trend: Countries want independence Nations want liberation The people want revolution
Admin Notes

How to obtain copies of this item TITLE: Resolutely support the struggle of the Palestinian and other Arab peoples against imperialist-Israeli aggression : irresistible historical trend : countries want independence, nations want liberation, the people want revolution CALL NUMBER: POS 6 - China, no. 181 (C size) [P&P] REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZC4-9058 (color film copy transparency) LC-USZ62-128599 (b&w film copy neg.) RIGHTS INFORMATION: Publication may be restricted. For information see "Yanker poster collection" ( SUMMARY: Poster showing sculpture of armed Arab soldiers. MEDIUM: 1 print (poster) CREATED/PUBLISHED: [ca. 1970] NOTES: Title also in Chinese and French. Published by the Shanghai People's Publishing House. Gift; Gary Yanker; 1975-1983. This catalog record contains preliminary or unverified data from a project done in BRS software, ca. 1985. mgm/881114. SUBJECTS: Palestinian Arabs. Soldiers. National liberation movements. Solidarity. Arabs. Sculpture. FORMAT: Posters Chinese. Prints. PART OF: Yanker poster collection (Library of Congress) REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA DIGITAL ID: (digital file from intermediary roll film copy) yan 1a35954 CONTROL #: yan1996003428/PP