Israel Awaits Redemption

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

“Commercial propaganda essentially aspires to achieve the same goal we are trying to achieve, and that is to arouse as many people as possible for a known purpose to do something they would not have done without the propaganda; buy some given product, prefer a certain well-known firm. …We also wish to cause the large Jewish multitudes to remember the JNF at all times.”

Source: Karnenu (Our Fund) Year 3 (1926), no. 5-6, p.5

“We must inundate the Jewish people with slogans and pictures, to rivet their attention, to create an atmosphere of unrest…[to distribute the pictures and slogans] in every place a Jew sets foot in: in communal centres, lodges, places of business, society and union centres, the offices of charity organizations, mutual aid societies, rabbinical offices, libraries, theatres, bath houses and rest houses, shelters, hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, synagogues, seminaries, schools, doctor’s waiting rooms, restaurants, hotels, pensions…leave no place where there is no illustrated poster with a clear and brief text….”

Source: Karnenu (Our Fund) Year 4 (1927), no. 1, p.6
