hafez@almahattagallery.net Subject: Posters from Hafez Date: February 21, 2010 6:39:03 AM EST To: liberation@igc.org
Dear Dan, I’ve tried to send you the links for the posters but it didn’t work! So am sending you the posters compressed in one folder Posters Details: All the poster were designed by Hafez Omar 1- the poster with “ festival title”, the title for it is “Apricot festival 2007” dimensions: 50cm X 70 cm year: 2007 Publisher: Jefna Social Club, Ramallah 2- Gaza 1: dimensions: 40cm X 60 cm year: 2009 Publisher: Hafez Omar 3- Gaza 2 dimensions: 35cm X 35 cm year: 2009 Publisher: Palestine youth magazine 4- Funoun Poster dimensions: 40cm X 70 cm year: 2009 Publisher: El Funoun Dance Troupe 5- George Habbash Poster dimensions: 50cm X 70 cm year: 2010 Publisher: Hafez Omar 6- the poster with “Pal Festival Title” the real title is “Palestine international Festival for dance and music 2008” dimensions: 50cm X 70 cm year: 2008 Publisher: Popular Art Center, Ramallah Please confirm to me that you received the Posters Best regards Hafez Omar
Israel Studios TM
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The PPPA has an original copy of this poster
35cm X 35 cm
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