Israeli Apartheid Week Exhibit - 2013 - American University of Beirut

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Student's Statement:As a part of Israeli Apartheid Week this year, we did a poster exhibition featuring PLO posters from 1964 until today trying to show the shift in the PLO orientation from liberation-based to state-building. We used several images from the PPPA collection. It wasn't until we told Hafez Omar, who also participated in the week that we realize we could have obtained the images in high resolution (which would have been ideal). But due to the time constraints we used the website quality. We accompanied the exhibition with a description, as well as captions (most of them found on the website), and arranged them in chronological order. This exhibition accompanied a lecture by Dr. Seif Dana from the University of Wisconsin about the transformation of the political elite in Palestine and what we would like to call the complicity of PLO in maintaining oppression in PalestineSource: Palestinian Cultural Club (AUB)
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Palestinian Cultural Club at AUB (PCC) 1:23pm Apr 8
Hi Dan!

As a part of Israeli Apartheid Week this year, we did have a poster exhibition featuring PLO poster from 1964 until today trying to show the shift in the PLO orientation from liberation based to state building. We used several images from the PPPA collection. It wasn't until we told Hafez Omar, who also participated in the week that we realize we could have obtained the images in high resolution (which would have been ideal). But due to the time constraints we settled with the website quality. We accompanied the exhibition with a description, as well as captions (most of them found on the website), and arranged them in chronological order. This exhibition accompanied a lecture by Dr. Seif Dana from the University of Wisconsin about the transformation of the Political Elite in Palestine, what we would like to call the complicity of PLO in oppression in Palestine.

I hope this helps. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to e-mail me at


Nadia Younes
Vice President
Palestinian Cultural Club
American University of Beirut
2013-03-13 18.23.34.jpg
Conversation History

Dan Walsh 12:50pm Apr 8

We are the Palestine Poster Project Archives...

Can you send us photos/comments on this:

"ALSO a historical Poster Exhibition for the Palestinian Liberation Organization will be taking place from 3pm until 8pm on the balcony on the second floor of West Hall."

We are trying to document how the PPPA site is used ...


Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA

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