Israeli Law Enforcement

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Caption on poster: Israeli Law Enforcement Since the outbreak of the Intifada in September 2000 approximately 48% of Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers were males between the ages of 19-29; this equates to more than 1,320 men. Approximately 41% of all deaths were the rssult of live ammunition in response to stone-throwing. Note: This poster was featured in the exhibit titled "Don't Say You Didn't Know" (2003) ____________________________________________________ The designer, an activist for the International Solidarity Movement, illustrates the current situation in Palestine with this powerful image. The design combined the well-known Pieta (a symbol for the slain) with a reference to Jesus (who was shown no mercy) to illustrate how history is repeating itself with the slaying of young, innocent Palestinian men. The designer did not intend to make this a religious piece and noted that if another well-known figure had suffered similar treatment, he or she would have been an equally appropriate analogy. From the caption, page 12 - The Design of Dissent: Socially and Politically Driven Graphics
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