Israel’s Sick Fund

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation:Israel’s Sick Fund for national workers (Kupat Holim) 25 years Guarding the nation’s health___________________________________Translation courtesy of Leena Dallasheh
Admin Notes

Leena Dallasheh
4:14 PM (11 minutes ago)

to me
Hello Dan,
This is Kupat Hulim not Haddasah. Here is the translation:
Kupat Hulim [Israel’s Sick Fund] for national workers
25 years
Guarding the People’s/Nation’s health
1933- 1958/59 {your publishing date is incorrect}
On the side: Lif - Dror PublicationLeena Dallasheh
8:16 AM (14 hours ago)

to me
ohh, oppps! yes, it could also be Lip I guess. {no P in Hebrew. According to wiki, "in modern Hebrew /p/ is always represented by pe in its regular, not final, form "פ", even when in final word position, which occurs with loanwords (e.g. שׁוֹפּ /ʃop/ "shop"), foreign names (e.g. פִילִיפּ /ˈfilip/"Philip") and some slang (e.g. חָרַפּ /χaˈrap/ "slept deeply")." }
-->so I think it's actually Lip.
