Beauty, irony, fun and a heartfelt movie
alinemarie15 January 2020
This is a movie that will bring you great delight, if you have a bit of patience; each scene is full of meaning, metaphors, symbols, and overwhelming beauty. Beauty of a country field or of an empty city, of the passers-by who seem on a catwalk, or of the nostalgic music. But it's not just pleasure, it's also fun and troubling at the same time, warning about the absurd taking over in all societies, about the disconnection in the middle of the crowd, about the fate of the artist who is left aside. There is hope though, as long as there are still people who care and who don't give up, like the director himself, faithful to his artistic choices, despite the pressure to take sides. The soul untamed by rules, like the angel chased by police in one scene. Oh, and the irony is everywhere, maybe at its best when Gael's character steps in. Pure joy of watching a movie with a heart. Definitely for authentic cinema lovers.
Source: IMDB
It Must Be Heaven
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