From the brilliant comrade Noga
Begin forwarded message:
From: Noga Malkin
Date: April 3, 2015 3:09:08 PM PDT
To: Rochelle Davis
Cc: ""
Subject: Re: got Hebrew?
This was a bit of a creative challenge, but here's what I got:
1. Jerusalem - my sight is on you! (Double meaning: the word kavenet means sight as in military usage, the sight of a rifle, i.e. It is a target. It also come from the word to intend, so targeting as in planning on it.
The font and choice of colors, btw, is probably intentionally imitating Peace Now design).
2. The Partner!
3. This is a difficult one. Literally, it means: I ran out of the horse very quickly, bring me another! (except in Hebrew it rhymes). To run out of horse is an idiom meaning to run out of steam, to have used up. A better translation, that also rhymes, might be: I'm done milking this cow, bring me another one now!
There's a note in the mans pocket to identify him, saying: Begin. The horse he's riding says: The Weapons Deal. The horse peeking on the left says: ethnic discrimination (the word used here for ethnic, edati, refers only to discrimination among Jews - mizrachis and Ashkenazis. I don't know a particular word for this in English, but it cannot refer to ethnicities that are not intra-Jewish)
On Friday, April 3, 2015, Rochelle Davis wrote:
Either or both of you up for a little Hebrew translation?
If you have a moment (no rush), Dan would be grateful.