Jerusalem - El Husseini

Admin Notes

No. 119 in The Palestinian Poster

Begin forwarded message: From: hosni radwan Date: May 28, 2010 2:26:58 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Fwd: meen, ya akhi, meen? dan The drawing by : Jumana Al Hussieni, she is apalestinian artist, I this the poster issued in 1978 -- Hosni Radwan Mobile:+972599307969 Skype:hosniradwan Ramallah,Palestine

ya habeeby Kamal... Inbox x Dan Walsh 9:41 AM (5 hours ago) to kamal.boullata I think the answer is no but I have to ask...might this poster have been one of the "Friends of Jerusalem" series? tadamon, Dan 11:12 AM (4 hours ago) to me Yes Dan this poster of a painting by Jumana al-Husseini is one by the “Friends of Jerusalem” series. But of course the original poster was all in color. kamal From: Dan Walsh [] Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 3:41 PM To: Subject: ya habeeby Kamal...


Dear Mr. Dan Walsh,

My name is Omar Bayazid. I am the son of Jumana El Husseini.

Zeina Chahid, my cousin, forwarded me your Email regarding your inquiry about a poster that is attributed to my Mother.

I have checked out the website and the poster in question. This is not her work. The other 8 posters are definitely hers, but not this one. I have left a message to inform them of this error.

Thank you for bringing this up, and please check out my Mother’s website:

Again many thanks,







Omar Bayazid 

11:44 AM (39 minutes ago)


to me


Submitted on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 15:44
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:

Your name: Omar Bayazid
Your e-mail address:
My name is Omar Bayazid. I am the son of Mrs. Jumana el Husseini, the
Palestinian Artist. I have received an inquiry regarding a poster listed on
your website which states that it was painted by my mother. Here is the link:

Please be advised that this work does NOT belong to my mother.

Please feel free to contact me for any additional clarification, and check
out my mother's website:

Best regards,


 Sorry, I have made a typing error regarding the address of the website  of my Mother.

the correct address is


> Thank you for bringing this up, and please check out my Mother’s website:
> Again many thanks,
> Omar

Hi Omar,شؤون-الفلسطينية-76


I corrected the spelling of your mother's name from "Al Husseini" to "El Husseini" as listed at her site. I have begun to add the link to her pages as well.


It seems some of our emails passed each other in the sending but I think we are all good now, mazboot?



Omar Bayazid

12:36 PM (1 hour ago)


to me

Hello Dan,


Further to my last Email regarding the poster of Jerusalem painting by my Mother, which you have in black & white, I was not able to obtain a sharp, hi resolution photo. The attached photos of the same poster, are blurry and the colors are faded. They are scanned from an image I have in three different resolutions. 


The original poster is labeled First Edition 900 Published by The Friends of Jerusalem,  Produced by W. Faris,  Printers C.I.P Lithophotography by Leogravure Lebanon 1968. I do not have access to it. 


I have mixed up this poster with another painting which is very similar to this one. Sorry for that.


I am not aware of additional posters, but if I come across one I will forward it to you. 


All the best and lets keep in touch,





4:28 PM (2 hours ago)


to meHello Dan,

This is a quick snap shot in bad light on a rainy day in Cleveland! I could send you a better photo when the sun shines again. I assume you got my contact from Ms El Husseini's son.  Hope this helps for the moment. Ruth



Dan Walsh 

6:32 PM (13 minutes ago)


Hi Ruth,


Bless your heart!


Your shot is the very first time I ever seen the whole poster. 


This is so exciting for us because this poster is one of the "missing pieces" to a larger series. 


Don't trouble yourself with anything further at this time. This is a good start and now that we are in email touch with each other I'll write at a later time with some more q's.


Many thanks,




PS: Yes, I got your info from Omar, Jumana El Husseini's son.


On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 4:28 PM, Ruth  wrote:

Hello Dan,
This is a quick snap shot in bad light on a rainy day in Cleveland! I could send you a better photo when the sun shines again. I assume you got my contact from Ms El Husseini's son.  Hope this helps for the moment. Ruth

nice, eh?

12:59 PM (42 minutes ago)


Omar Bayazid

1:34 PM (8 minutes ago)


to me, Vladimir, Kamal

Ya Dan,

What an accomplishment. Thank you so much. Has nothing to do with the black & white copy . Its a living poster now!


Since your first Email of May 6 (10 days ago), thanks to Kamal Boullata:

 We got to know each other
You introduced me to Vladimir Tamari
I introduced you to Ruth Tracy
You successed in getting in touch with Waddah Faris
 You got the poster 

On behalf of my mother & I, THANK YOU and MABROUK.


Let’s stay in touch.


Best personal regards,



De : Dan Walsh
Date : Friday 16 May 2014 18:59
À : Vladimir Tamari , Kamal Boullata , Omar Bayazid
Objet : nice, eh?


Vladimir Tamari

8:29 PM (4 hours ago)


to Omar, me, Kamal

Yes it looks great!!  Omar, don't you think  Dan should get a medal worthy of this and all his other accomplishments at PPP. Palestine would have never been lost if everyone had the same dedication and worked so hard!

I am exploring Joumana's website now very nice.

Marhaba Kamal I am reading your brother Issa's book it brings back so many memories...

Warm regards




Omar Bayazid

5:54 PM (2 hours ago)


to Vladimir, me, Kamal





Palestine is an integral part of my life. It is implanted in my heart and soul. Ever since I was born and can remember, there is no one day that passes without thinking of Palestine. 


For Dan, yes absolutely, a medal, immense appreciation and great respect for generations to come.



On a personal note, I can say to people now that I personally know Dan Walsh. It’s an honour for me.


Thank you for the kind words regarding my mother’s website. I will be updating it soon. I am planning also to design an app for smartphones & tablets.  


I hope to have the privilege to meet you when you visit your daughter in Paris next time. 


All the best,

