Jerusalem Is Far From Here

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (green text at top) Islamic Movement in Baqa'a and Ain Al-Basha (refugee camps in Jordan) (red and black text) Jearusalem is far from here 86 kilometers  
Admin Notes

Jerusalem Far away from here 86 KM






Yousef Asaad

1:29 PM (26 minutes ago)


to me








Artist/Designer/Photographer: Unknown

Language: Arabic

Year: Unknown

Publisher: Islamic Movement in Baqa and Ain Al-Basha

Published in: Jordan




Islamic Movement in Baqa and Ain Al-Basha

الحركة الاسلامية في البقعة وعين الباشا


Jerusalem Far away from here 86 KM

القدس تبعد من هنا 86 كم



Jerusalem Far away from here 86 KM






Yousef Asaad
1:29 PM (1 hour ago)

Artist/Designer/Photographer: Unknown Language: Arabic Year: Unknown Publisher: Islamic Movement in Baqa and Ain Al-Basha Published in: Jordan Caption: Islamic



2:07 PM (27 minutes ago)


to Yousef







About this poster:


1) Why are they covering the logos with their hands? (I won't publish your answer I am just curious, ya'ni)


2) This is Hamas, mazboot?


3) Date?




A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution.


Jean Genet (1970)





Yousef Asaad

2:11 PM (22 minutes ago)


to me







Thank you for your hard work


1-      I think that mean he touch the point where he is near Palestine

2-      Yes Hamas or Muslim brothers

3-      No dates .. 2019-2021 .. I don’t see this before inside the Camp.