Jerusalem Festival - 2009

Admin Notes

Reem Jahshan Graphic Designer

Begin forwarded message: From: "Alaa" Date: May 28, 2010 8:25:56 AM EDT To: "'Dan Walsh'" Subject: Jerusalem festival 2009 poster REEM JAHSHAN WAS THE DESINGER OF THE ATTACHED POSTER. I KNOW A MAN THAT WORKS AT THE NATIONAL PALESTINIAN THEATRE IN JERUSALEM AND HE IS CALLED EMAD SAMARA, HE’S A TECHNICIAN AND A carpenter that worked there since 1985 if I’m not mistaken. On one of the walls he had a collection of posters for performances and concerts that were held in Palestine, I hope he still have some and that you guys can scan and post as well on the PPPA website. The theatre’s number is +972 2 6280957 and he is EMAD SAMARA or ABU RA’ED Best, Alaa' Maa'ytah Marketing & Advertising Assistant- Publications Tel: +972 2 6261045 Fax: +972 2 6261372 Join our group on Facebook: The Jerusalem Festival Add us at: Yabouspro Twitter: