Dear Mr. Walsh,
The Prints and Photographs Division, claims that they do not own this poster. They also were reluctant to let me look at their uncataloged Israeli posters.
The Hebraic Section does not own it for sure [I looked].
Our "IT guy", was unable to enlarge the Hebrew text enough for me to read.
So I found a book, a catalog really, of an exhibition of Israeli poster art, that took place in Germany. [catalog published, 1985].
The poster you asked about is included.
They have the relevant data translated into German.
That's the best I can do.
Poster published in 1978.
Art work seems to be done by S&G Fridman.
Published by Ahva Press.
I will email the image and the title page of the catalog to you, from another account.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Sharon S. Horowitz
Reference Librarian
Hebraic Section