Journee - GUPS

Admin Notes


Tue, Apr 6, 8:43 PM (4 days ago)


to Claude





A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution.


Jean Genet (1970)






claude Lazarovici

Tue, Apr 6, 9:45 PM (4 days ago)


to me







Thank you Dan for this pic ! It’s amazing how this subject have been used for different posters. That’s great 
Take care comrade 


Journee De Solidarite avec Le Peuple Palestinien - Centre Culturel des Glacis Belfort 13 Novembre

English Title: Solidarity Day with the Palestinian People - Cultural Center of Glacis Belfort November 13

Poster ID: CL79051

Category: Political / Protest

Year: 1970s

Country: French

Size: 24 x 16 inches = 60 x 40 cm

Condition: Very Good