Dan Walsh to icar
show details 8:42 AM (19 hours ago)
we would like to add this poster to our site.
do you have a larger jpeg you can send us?
the link at your web page .... to a "poster exhibit" does not work on our end. Is there a poster exhibition?
thank you,
Dan Walsh
PS: do you have printed copies of your poster for sale?
Robyn Shames to me
show details 3:31 AM (1 hour ago)
Hi Dan,
The attached poster actually belongs to us - it won first place in a poster competition that we held a number of years ago. I took a look at you site and project and unfortunately will have to decline your kind invitation to include our posters in your site. I run a coalition of pluralistic organizations, which is difficult enough in the Israeli environment without adding into it political issues and I fear that the name of your project alone would cause internal strife.
All the best,
Robyn Shames
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Dan Walsh to Robyn
show details 4:27 AM (12 minutes ago)
Hello Robyn,
I was sorry to read your note.
My site is extremely pluralistic - it has Zionist, anti-Zionist, Israeli, Hillside Youth, Herut, Jewish National Fund, Jewish National Front and a vast galaxy of other Israeli groups, movements, parties and artists. One of Israel's leading graphic artists, David Tartakover, is on the PPPA advisory board. The PPPA is about the poster art of "Palestine": Zionist agencies published poster in/on/about/for "Palestine" for more than fifty years. Look here:
Of course, the PPPA also includes posters done by Palestinian nationalist groups, international artists and a vast array of Israeli left artists and arts group, including WIZO Graphic Design Institute and Peace Now.
I am going to add your poster to the site. I didn't write to you asking permission: I was merely offering you the opportunity to provide a better jpeg. My use falls squarely within all "fair use" applications and I will add your link as well.
Your response was sadly poignant: you purport to be pluralistic and dedicated to women's rights yet you fear your own constituency and chose to act as a censor for your own sponsored art.
I feel sorry for you.
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