Since the Nakba, Palestinian art and culture have walked a fine line between maintaining tradition and absorbing other modes of expression. After leaving Palestine for Sweden during Israel’s colonizing war of 1967, Nazareth-born songwriter George Totari began to chart a new artistic path, forming the band Kofia with other Palestinians and leftist Swedish musicians.
Between the band’s inception in 1972 and the 1987 outbreak of the Intifada in Palestine, Kofia released four albums, three vinyl records, and one cassette, all without record industry support or major label attention. As a new short film shows, the Kofia story presents a unique mode of grassroots action. This article offers a brief introduction to their recorded work.
Submitted on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 - 13:30
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Your name: Louis Brehony
Your e-mail address: letpalestinesing@gmail.com
Dear friends, thank you for mentioning our short film in this posting of the
Kofia band album Palestine My Homeland* and congratulations on your excellent
work. We would be happy to share artwork of other Kofia albums and of the
poster for our film, Kofia: A Revolution Through Music. Please drop us an
* https://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/kofia-palestine-my-land